All my calories are GONE & its only noon.. Help

What would you do?


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Eat lunch dinner probably a couple snacks if I'm still hungry and keep trying to find a long term solution. If it's just the one day I wouldn't even give it a second thought
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    You still need to eat something, just make sure it's a good choice. Crap happens, just pick yourself up and stick with it. Tomorrow is a new day, but don't blow the rest of this one.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    Eat lunch dinner probably a couple snacks if I'm still hungry and keep trying to find a long term solution. If it's just the one day I wouldn't even give it a second thought

    Yep. Calculate your maintenance and try to stay in that range if at all possible.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    eat my dinner and learn from my mistake
  • LittleLazySheep
    LittleLazySheep Posts: 15 Member
    Do loads of exercise to earn some more calories and have a small snack & tea (the food not the drink) :)
  • Trey2k3
    Trey2k3 Posts: 16 Member
    I'd workout to gain my calorie availability back. :-)
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    I would eat and log my food. Tomorrow is another day. Learn from my misstep : ^ }
  • cherietta
    cherietta Posts: 1 Member
    I would pout and then do better tomorrow.
  • danaaae
    danaaae Posts: 13 Member
    Eat sensibly, as someone said around maintenance if possible, for the rest of the day. Start anew tomorrow.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I agree with eating at maintenance today and then move on :smile:
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Agree with everyone else: eat dinner and maybe a snack, try to stay within maintenance calories if possible but if not don't sweat it. It was one day and it won't completely derail your week.

    In my experience, trying to just not eat anything until the next day would make me far hungrier than normal the next day and then I'd have two days that were all messed up!

    Just go back to your plan for the rest of the day and try to figure out why you're over at noon so it doesn't happen again.
  • minx112
    minx112 Posts: 13
    I'd workout to gain my calorie availability back. :-)

    That seems like the best option, in my opinion. The rest are "continue to eat, go over, and learn." This one is "Work out so you can eat and stay under." You'll have to sweat a lot and eat something real healthy though.
  • Clovermoth
    Clovermoth Posts: 33 Member
    yep eat your supper & snack and workout to make yourself feel better ;) Let's face it a little endorphins never hurt anyone :) And pat yourself on the back for asking for help, one day wont defeat you ;)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I would just eat as if I hadn't eaten all my calories for the day. So, normal supper and some snacks. I would also make a note of a few things: how was I feeling today? Did I plan my meals or did I decide to just wing it? Did something occur to stress me out and contribute to poor choices? Are my current daily goals appropriate, or do I need to reevaluate them?

    The answers to those questions can provide considerable insight. If it's an occasional thing, forget about it and move past it. There is no point in feeling bad about it. If it occurs frequently, then it might be time to think about what your goals are and how you might achieve them with less stress.

    Just my thoughts. Hope it helps.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    depends on whether or not i'm hungry later on.

    i've definitely had days where i've gone to all you can eat brunch buffets, eaten all my calories and then wasnt hungry for the rest of the day.

    then if i do get hungry later i'll have something light like yogurt and fruit. but really i try not to put too much value on hunger, especially if i know i've eaten my food
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    All great advice we have all had a misstep in some way. Don't get down on yourself. You asked for help so you are aware of the issue and you didn't hide it an binge for days. You can do it. Forgive yourself and move on!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'd workout to gain my calorie availability back. :-)

    That seems like the best option, in my opinion. The rest are "continue to eat, go over, and learn." This one is "Work out so you can eat and stay under." You'll have to sweat a lot and eat something real healthy though.

    Odds are you couldn't work out enough to make room for the whole dinner. It's pretty hard to work off 400-500 calories! Can offset it a bit though, sure. :wink:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Eat veggies the rest of the day.
    They'll help clean you out, full of vitamins and light on calories. And drink water. You've already made your calorie goal for the day. Everything else is surplus, but to avoid "the hungries" you should eat something...if your biggest worry is going over on calories, you can fill up on lower calorie foods.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Work out. And only eat small portions for the rest of the day. In the future, you will need to eat smaller portions or if you must eat a large meal, eat it at the end of the day so you have something to look forward to and don't use up all your calories at the beginning of the day.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    If you've got the time, get a workout in to "earn" some calories. Then eat the rest of the day-maybe a little lighter than normal-and move on. The real key is don't let this give you permission to blow the day completely out of the water and don't let it become a daily habit. That's what got us here in the first place (ok, most of us!).