Need some friends on here.

Shayla888 Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Well heres my story. Im in Hawaii as of right because my husband is stationed here with the Army, I have a 7 month old lil boy. Im looking to loose about 40 pounds.... and since im new here i dont have any friends and its not easy too either around here....So instead of being depressed and eating Ive started working out and trying to loose the weight....So it would be nice to have some people on here to give me alil support when i need it....feel free to add me as a friend


  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    I've added you :0)
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    Going to add you now...good luck!
  • mckara
    mckara Posts: 37 Member
    adding you now and Welcome!!! Its a great place to get the support you need! BTW how jealous am I that you get to LIVE in Hawaii, I want to go there soooo bad!!! Good luck!
  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    Good for you! Just get outside in the sunshine and get inspired! You'll love this site- it's a great touchstone with lots of support.
  • lovepenguins
    lovepenguins Posts: 316 Member
    Hey, I live in Hawaii too! My husband is in the Navy and we should be here for another 4 years. I go to the YMCA with a really good friend of mine 2-3 times a week. Hopefull to clear my schedules Sat Mornings for Zumba! We go to the YMCA in Waipahu. Let me know if you need a work out buddy! :happy:
  • popcrn4free
    popcrn4free Posts: 23 Member
    I'm right there with ya. I have an 8month old, and finally stepping to the plate to lose the weight. If a need a friend I'm here. Its my first day.
  • newnurse06
    newnurse06 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck...though about taking a traveling nurse job in Hawaii.......Keep up the good work!!!
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    I'll add you! Good luck with your weight loss journey!
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