All my calories are GONE & its only noon.. Help



  • alyssasphone
    If I had used all my calories and it was only noon I'd review what I ate for the day and try to understand why they were gone. I'd break it down into individual food items and see what changes I can make tomorrow so that I don't make it a habit. For instance, if I had eaten a bacon cheeseburger with condiments, I'd break it down like this:

    1. Instead of condiments I could have just used fresh lettuce, tomatoes and onions.
    2. Instead of a bun I could have had it wrapped in lettuce.
    3. Cut the bacon and cheese and instead add an extra patty.

    That would reduce your calories dramatically and are healthier options as well. As for the rest of the day, to control your calorie intake, munch on some fresh cut cucumbers, carrots or green beans. They are crunchy and filling without all the heavy calories. Try a big bowl of organic leaf lettuce and turn it into a salad. Instead of pouring the salad dressing over it, put it in a little bowl/cup and dip your fork in it before picking up lettuce on it. If you ate heavy calories so early in the day, it would be good to finish with fresh vegetables. Good luck!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Short term, exercise if possible to get some extra calories for dinner. Then eat a very healthy, low calorie dinner heavy on the fresh veggies.

    Long term, take it as a lesson so you know what you shouldn't do in the future.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I'd workout to gain my calorie availability back. :-)

    That seems like the best option, in my opinion. The rest are "continue to eat, go over, and learn." This one is "Work out so you can eat and stay under." You'll have to sweat a lot and eat something real healthy though.

    Well let me know how that goes for you when you go over by 4000 calories
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    I'd workout to gain my calorie availability back. :-)

  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    get exercising
    re evaluate how many calories you are supposed to eat
    make better food choices
  • short_nerdy_lady
    My philosophy on here is (and I am sure some will slap me for this) I dont care if I go over within a reasonable amount, as long as it's not crap.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    Eat lunch dinner probably a couple snacks if I'm still hungry and keep trying to find a long term solution. If it's just the one day I wouldn't even give it a second thought

    Yep. Calculate your maintenance and try to stay in that range if at all possible.

    This is what I would do.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Unless I was really really hungry I probably wouldn't eat again until the next day. Assuming you're not diabetic or suffering other health issues that can make this a problem, it won't kill you to miss a couple meals. Most of the time I only eat once a day anyway.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Go lift some heavy weights. Put those calories to use - there must be some protein and carbs floating around in you. Won't burn many calories but you can make it a one day "bulk" phase before going back to a "cut" phase for the rest of the week (or whatever).

    Or go for a bit of a run if you prefer.

    Eat sensibly for the rest of the day.

    Like others said, think about what caused it to happen. Don't be bothered if your weight loss isn't as expected this week (assuming you're aiming for weight loss? Not sure based on your post at

    Not sure where the 4000kcal number came from, but even then some exercise is better than no exercise, even though there'd be no chance of burning off a large amount of them (but hey, a 3500kcal overeat is better than a 4000kcal overeat).
  • susieqtx123
    susieqtx123 Posts: 29 Member
    Go for a run, walk, workout. Anything to gain back some of the food calories used. At least 30-60 mins should do it.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Start pre-planning and pre logging! It's easier to stay within your calories if you know what your going to be eating ahead of time and can make it all fit. You just need to figure out how to out smart yourself. We're the clever ones finding excuses to over eat. You're definitely smarter than your tummy (clever little bugger).
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    It all depends how many calories you eat.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    He said all calories gone, so let's assume he's pretty-much on target at lunch time.

    Good options are either:
    1. lift weights, eat as per normal at dinner (say 500-600kcal?) essentially be at maintenance today.
    2. do cardio, burn say 500kcal, eat dinner as above, still be on target
    3. do nothing, eat dinner as above, essentially be at maintenance.

    Bad options would be:
    1. Decide it's a bad day and eat another 4000kcal of junk and you'll "start again tomorrow"
    2. Give up completely
    3. (Probably, but I'm willing to concede that this may be perfectly fine:) Try to eat nothing at all for the rest of the day -- unless you have no hunger.

    This is all assuming weight loss is the goal, which it may not be -- we need OP to clarify.
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    Unless I was really really hungry I probably wouldn't eat again until the next day. Assuming you're not diabetic or suffering other health issues that can make this a problem, it won't kill you to miss a couple meals. Most of the time I only eat once a day anyway.

    Eating only once or twice a day is very unhealthy! You do more damage than good, your body stores fat for energy and strength when doing that method, so gains in muscle and loss of fat won't happen. It does the opposite. Eat smaller meals more frequently through the day that way you naturally burn off the calories as your body then knows more food will be coming soon. After a workout you continue to burn calories as well as fat and your body needs fuel in order to achieve the goals you are striving for. Best of luck
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    The stair stepper for an hour burns 500 calories for me. That's a decent meal right there.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Unless I was really really hungry I probably wouldn't eat again until the next day. Assuming you're not diabetic or suffering other health issues that can make this a problem, it won't kill you to miss a couple meals. Most of the time I only eat once a day anyway.

    Eating only once or twice a day is very unhealthy! You do more damage than good, your body stores fat for energy and strength when doing that method, so gains in muscle and loss of fat won't happen. It does the opposite. Eat smaller meals more frequently through the day that way you naturally burn off the calories as your body then knows more food will be coming soon. After a workout you continue to burn calories as well as fat and your body needs fuel in order to achieve the goals you are striving for. Best of luck

    No you don't need to eat smaller meals more frequently. Eating once or twice a day is healthy.

    OP if you ate your calories and are not hungry then skipping a meal is fine, if you are hungry and want dinner then eat a normal dinner log it and move on.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I would exercise and then go with a light dinner and light snacks if I was hungry later - lots of veggies most likely (but I love veggies and eat them often anyway). But it happens. No need to panic. Just plan to do better tomorrow, don't let one day throw you off track. I do one crazy day a month - just think of this one as your crazy day.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    Unless I was really really hungry I probably wouldn't eat again until the next day. Assuming you're not diabetic or suffering other health issues that can make this a problem, it won't kill you to miss a couple meals. Most of the time I only eat once a day anyway.

    Eating only once or twice a day is very unhealthy! You do more damage than good, your body stores fat for energy and strength when doing that method, so gains in muscle and loss of fat won't happen. It does the opposite. Eat smaller meals more frequently through the day that way you naturally burn off the calories as your body then knows more food will be coming soon. After a workout you continue to burn calories as well as fat and your body needs fuel in order to achieve the goals you are striving for. Best of luck

    How does your body know more food is coming soon?
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    Your body adjusts to the times you eat and how much. I used to have a very fast metabolism, so fast I could not gain weight no matter what I ate or the amount. Is slowed way down due to lack of exercise "laziness" and age. Once I hit that point I had to re train my self and speed my metabolism back up. Hints the eat more frequent smaller meals. Once you do this your body does not depend on what you just ate so you burn through it faster giving you the ability to gain, maintain or lose weight depending on the route you want to take. Your body adjusts to everything.
  • SuzieQNutter
    SuzieQNutter Posts: 6 Member
    Myfitnesspal is exactly for people like you.

    You can put in what you are going to eat before you eat it and change it to see which is better.

    You can go for a walk and add in walking briskly or even jogging which then allows you more calories for the day to eat.

    Eat Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a Prince and Tea like a pauper, so you shouldn't be having much for dinner anyway so shouldn't have to do much exercise to be allowed to eat it.

    Just swap foods for lower calouries during tthe day. Swap icecream for yoghurt, Swap cordial and fruit juice for water (Don't drink your calouries) Swap vitawheat for bread. Eat fruit and vegetables instead of chips, cakes and biscuits. Believe me I am not starving myself.

    Here is a recipe for you for the dinner with dessert as well Pancakes and ice cream - you can have it as a meal or you can have it as dessert after a meal.

    Before hand cut up strawberries and put them in a bowl in the freezer, when they are semi frozen bring out and stick blend and put back in the freezer - Strawberry icecream - one ingredient icecream and I have done the same using white nectarines and red grapes, whatever is on special and cheap. If you are making banana icecream it is the same, just peel the banana and cut into coins, freeze, stick blend, freeze.

    2 ingredient pancakes - 1 ripe to overripe banana - 2 eggs. Use a fork to mash the banana, add the two eggs and mix with the fork. This makes a batter that cooks the same way as normal. It will bubble to say it needs turning over.

    I bought one of those Dutch pancake makers - it makes 18 pancakes so with the recipe above 3 people had 6 pancakes with 2 scoops of strawberry icecream and then 2 people had 9 pancakes with 2 scoops of ice cream.

    Which means in my fitness pal I had less than 1 banana, less than 2 eggs and only strawberries to input for the icecream.

    Not only are eggs and fruit good for you, but this mixture is processed sugar free, white flour free, dairy free and okay for vegetarians.

    and most important of all = YUMMY