Anybody need/want a diet buddy?

I'm not gonna go on and on, just I've lost about 50 pounds, but that was last July, since then I've been yoyoing, I finally have control of binging, but I fall off track. I feel like if I had an email diet buddy I could do it, and I could help somebody too!

Please let me know if anybody's interested!


  • Martika160
    Martika160 Posts: 9 Member
    I can always use another diet buddy. Hi. I am Martha and I currently have lost 22 , gained lots of muscle by using strength training. My biggest struggles are time and a slightly unsupportive husband. I have 2 kids (7 & 2 1/2), work full time at a hospital and I completed my first 1/2 marathon in May.
    :-) Martha
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Sure, go ahead and add me!

    I lost 42 lbs here a few years ago and gained some of it back. Just started up again this past Monday.
  • lisadietrich86
    I'd love a buddy! I just had a baby and want to drop about 7 more lbs and eventually tone up a little bit :)

    Edit: I work full time and have a 3 month old and don't have the time for much exercise right now, so I'm focusing on creating good eating habits. I have a horrible sweet tooth that I would like to tone down a little bit as well.

  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    I'm not gonna go on and on, just I've lost about 50 pounds, but that was last July, since then I've been yoyoing, I finally have control of binging, but I fall off track. I feel like if I had an email diet buddy I could do it, and I could help somebody too!

    Please let me know if anybody's interested!

    I am interested if you're still looking!

    I'm in the same boat as you are :)
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I can always use more support and motivation. I had lost my weight last year and was at goal then life went hey wire and I put all of it back on. So mad at myself. I know how to do this and I know how to stay on track but totally lost it and kept giving myself excuses.

    Last week hubby was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, has hypertension and all of his other numbers were bad so he decided to do something about it and in turn I too said enough is enough and jumped back on the wagon.

    So welcome aboard

    I will send you a friend request and if anyone else is looking for support and motivation just add me
  • jakesgirl05
    I'd love a buddy!! I have 55 pounds to lose. I have two kids and I am starting my health plan tomorrow at 100%!!! I lost weight and haven't lost the rest of it so here I am!! Please add me and lets do this!! I am excited to start this off! I lost all the extra weight 3 years ago and felt great. I was healthy and slept well and was so happy. I want that back! It's a life change for me. It about changing my life for good and not looking back. I would love to have a buddy to support and chat with and encourage!! Lets so do this and be free if whatever holds us back! There's a whole life to live and we can do it! You can do this!
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    Fairly new always looking for a new buddy add me I am always looking for and willing to give motivation. I have all the pounds to go and the kids.
  • katiestemp
    katiestemp Posts: 27 Member
    I'd love a buddy too! Anyone feel free to add me!

    I've gone up and down the last several years after having kids. I tend to fall into a "disordered eating" way of thinking when I'm losing weight so I'd love to have someone who helps me stay motivated and on track!! I have about 15-20 lbs I'd like to lose and I'd like to do it in a healthy way! No crazy diets, no crazy exercise routines...eating REAL food...just want to live a healthy, balanced life! :)