Gaining weight... not losing?

Ragalla13 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi there! Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Granted yesterday was my first day following my fitness pal, but according to it's goals I should eat 1200 calories a day. I followed it and excersized and came in with 71 calories to spare, but when I weighed my self today i ended up gaining 6 oz. According to my fitness pal I should loose 1.4lbs a week if I follow the guide lines.


  • Hi there,

    Your body weight can fluctuate by anything up to a few pounds every day due to factors such as water retention, time of day you weigh, menstrual cycle etc. I weight myself at the same time (early morning) and use an "average-weight" measure as opposed to exactly what the scales say. There's an application for that here:

    Dont worry too much about daily revords, its more important what the overall trend is.

    Good luck!
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    it could be a number of things. first of all, you're just beginning, I think it's normal to see a gain before a loss because your body is adjusting to new rules. secondly it could be water weight if you've upped your H2O intake. i wouldnt worry over a few ounces. just keep following mfp and im sure you'll see a loss this coming week or next!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Try not to weigh yourself daily at this point, or if you do don't take it to heart. Your weight fluctuates daily naturally depending on water retention, waste, time of the month, etc. You can expect up to a pound difference every day, or even within the same day. No worries yet, just keep doing what you are doing and in a week or 2 weigh again and you'll see a difference!
  • lahina99
    lahina99 Posts: 6 Member
    You don't need to be concerned. First off, weight loss is a gradual process, and you mentioned you just started yesterday. You are going to have days where you're heavier than others due to numerous things, including water weight, etc. You should not expect to see a weight loss each and every day due to those fluctuations. If you think you may be prone to overthinking every ounce of weight gain/loss, I would recommend picking one day each week, and weighing yourself at that same date and time each week. While weighing everyday can be beneficial, especially in those individuals who have reached their goal and are trying to maintain their weight, individuals who are trying to lose may actually be better off weighing once a week, so that you don't get discouraged if you don't see day to day weight loss.
  • Don't weigh yourself daily. Leave AT LEAST a week. Your body can't burn 3500 calories (a lb of fat) in less than 24 hours.

    Your body weight can fluctuate a lot in a short amount of time. You are a living organism :-)
  • Since you just started, I would not weigh in for at least 5 days to a week! Give your body some time. It's really not sure what's going on right now since you just started making the changes.
  • Ragalla13
    Ragalla13 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the responces! I was doing the HCG diet before this and got really good results my first round in October 10. I started round 2 just after new years and in 3 weeks only lost 2 lbs. So i decided to following MFP guidelines. With hcg i had to weigh myself everyday as part of the plan it is so hard not to do it now. :)
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    I still weigh myself daily because im just curious as how it fluctuates from day to day. (trying to learn my body and how it reacts to water, etc) but i only do an official weigh in once a week and i do it on mondays so i dont blow the weekend!
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