Can antibiotics cause weight gain?



  • stockbroker68
    Same happened to me. I gained 6 lb in only two days
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    Now you know another reason why they give them to livestock!

    Not understanding your comment.
    How does water weight help livestock or meat production?
  • DianeDIrving
    charissh wrote: »
    So I got a nasty infection in my toe and it spread to the rest of my foot. Doctor gave me Augmentin (Amoxicillin) and Claritromycin.

    I got on the scales yesterday and had put on 5lbs!

    I haven't been able to do as much exercise with my foot being swollen, but I've still been eating at a deficit.

    The tablets don't say they cause water retention in the side effects- has anyone else ever taken these tablets and gained weight?

    Terrified I'm gonna have to work really hard to take the weight off again, especially as I don't know when I'm going to be able to exercise again :(

    Please help! x

    Hi I have been dieting since March through weight watchers and am steadily loosing weight. I have recently had an ear and throat infection and doctor also gave me Clairitromycin. When I got weighed today I had gained 3lb which is not justified by my eating pattern over the last week. x Diane
  • Tilandra
    Not understanding your comment.
    How does water weight help livestock or meat production?

    The animals are sold by weight to the slaughterhouse. The get dollars per pound whether it's meat or water retention.

    The grocery store does the same thing after the slaughterhouse too... check in the chicken section for raw poultry with possible "water added" on the label. When the store charges you $3.99 a pound for boneless/skinless chicken breasts, you're paying for any marinades or "flavor solutions" they've been injected with, and all the moisture in that weird cotton padding too.

  • hummingbirdhope
    hummingbirdhope Posts: 101 Member
    charissh wrote: »
    So I got a nasty infection in my toe and it spread to the rest of my foot. Doctor gave me Augmentin (Amoxicillin) and Claritromycin.

    I got on the scales yesterday and had put on 5lbs!

    I haven't been able to do as much exercise with my foot being swollen, but I've still been eating at a deficit.

    The tablets don't say they cause water retention in the side effects- has anyone else ever taken these tablets and gained weight?

    Terrified I'm gonna have to work really hard to take the weight off again, especially as I don't know when I'm going to be able to exercise again :(

    Please help! x

    A lot of antibiotics cause water retention
  • splashtree5
    splashtree5 Posts: 210 Member
    charissh wrote: »
    So I got a nasty infection in my toe and it spread to the rest of my foot. Doctor gave me Augmentin (Amoxicillin) and Claritromycin.

    I got on the scales yesterday and had put on 5lbs!

    I haven't been able to do as much exercise with my foot being swollen, but I've still been eating at a deficit.

    The tablets don't say they cause water retention in the side effects- has anyone else ever taken these tablets and gained weight?

    Terrified I'm gonna have to work really hard to take the weight off again, especially as I don't know when I'm going to be able to exercise again :(

    Please help! x


  • 14alissa
    14alissa Posts: 5 Member
    Same antibiotic, same issue. Was prescribed it after a dental procedure. Gained 5 lb within first week. One more week to go. Feel bloated and heavy. It's very hard to lose and maintain weight at my age. I'm miserable and horrified
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Don't worry about it. I went on 2 rounds of anitbiotics recently and didn't experience any weight gain. Rest and let your body heal itself. As long as you're accurately logging, you shouldn't have a problem.
  • fitnessandfood_xo
    fitnessandfood_xo Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    I got an ear infection last week, I too got prescribed Amoxicillin. I've taken 3 a day for the last 7 days and I'm feeling a lot better but just been to Slimming World and I've put on 6lbs. Devastating not what I needed after the week I've had.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    harricw12 wrote: »
    I got an ear infection last week, I too got prescribed Amoxicillin. I've taken 3 a day for the last 7 days and I'm feeling a lot better but just been to Slimming World and I've put on 6lbs. Devastating not what I needed after the week I've had.

    It's just water weight. It's not fat. To gain that in fact, you would need to eat 21,000 calories over maintenance. Or in other words, 3000 calories over your maintenance every day for the past 7 days.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    You could have killed off a lot of your good bacteria. Bad bacteria could have repopulated in their place and caused weight gain. Your body might be holding more fat to protect against them.

    No. This is nonsense.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    You could have killed off a lot of your good bacteria. Bad bacteria could have repopulated in their place and caused weight gain. Your body might be holding more fat to protect against them.

    And so begins another 10 pager.