Any cardio exercises to do without tennis shoes?

So I started working out probably a month ago and on the way home from work tonight I had a bit of an accident on my bike. I have some deep scrapes but am otherwise fine. I do have a big scrape on the top of my foot so I don't think I'd be able to wear tennis shoes for probably twoish weeks? Is there any cardio I can do without shoes? The only thing i can think of is riding my bike in flats but that does not sound ideal, and I definitely can't swim.


  • RangerRN507
    RangerRN507 Posts: 124 Member
    you could just wrap your foot up, I would try some gauze and wrap it around my foot so the shoe doesn't rub against it. if can always lift weights, real light weight but do super-sets or giant sets with very little to no rest you would still get your heart rate up
  • cursivepulse
    cursivepulse Posts: 22 Member
    After bandaging my foot (took about an hour to get stuff to clean it) my foot feels much better and I honestly think wrapping it would be fine. I'm just getting really restless sitting at home doing nothing, i do have some weights I just love to move around! That sounds awesome though, thank you.