In need of motivation?!

Hello all!

I have been on MFP for a long time now.. Too long of a time really.. Years and years. :/ And while I have achieved temporary success over and over.. I also then spiraled backwards again and again and wound up back at square one. So now I am back at it again for what is probably at least the 5th or 6th time. But this time I've decided to approach it a little differently, as a lifestyle change and not a diet, and am going to be blogging my progress/ideas/inspirations/failures/recipes/random thoughts in hopes that this would keep me motivated and accountable and that I can receive some feedback! If you want to check it out, my blog is here- I've just stared it today and thus have only one post, but I PROMISE more are coming!

Please feel free to follow me along my journey and keep me motivated, and maybe you'll find some inspiration yourself!



  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    You're right to approach this as a life changing experience and not a diet. If it's a diet, when the diet's over, you will always gain back the weight.

    Are you working out along with tracking your calories on MFP?
    How much weight are you looking to lose?
    What have been the biggest factors to your getting off track in the past?
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Yes, I am working out (mostly walking) and tracking every day. I'm looking to lose a minimum of 80lbs and see where it goes from there depending on how I feel. And really, I just get bored of counting and weighing foods and will lose all motivation after one bad day and it usually just spirals from there. All things to avoid! Lol!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    A lifestyle change is what did it for my wife and I....down 187 between the 2 of us. Add me for support!
  • I can so relate. I have been tracking my food for months and am not down much at all. I also need to change my lifestyle and my attitude about food, exercise, and myself. Thanks for posting your story. It helps to know I am not alone.
  • Hi. I have worked with a woman whom was severely overweight. I got her onto better nutrition and simple exercises (she could not do much due to her condition) and we got her losing almost a 7kg per month. (Remember she was very obese so 7kg per month was safe). MyFitnessPal is a great guide regarding calorie intake; but beyond this a gentle lifestyle change is required so that you are able to adopt her habits and be not miss bad habits. Exercise together with nutrition is very important to strenghten the body and bones, reduce stretch marks and saggy skin, and to release happy hormones.
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Thank you all for the replies and friend requests! It's great to know that you're not alone in the never ending weight loss struggle!! :)
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    It can get tedious tracking calories and weighing food but don't let a bad day take you into a downward spiral. If you have a bad day, recognize it, embrace it and think of how it made you feel and that you won't be able to reach your goals if you keep on like that. Then let it go, and get ready to start a new day.