A Diagnosis and Exercise

Nearly 3 years ago I was diagnosed with chronic mono and ever since then, no matter how hard I try to fight it, I have been really tired from it after doing a little of nothing. I mean, I can walk at a good pace on the treadmill at the highest incline, but afterwards I am so tired. I have a really low immunity and I know healthy foods can build it up (I'm a health nut). I just wonder if there's a way I can exercise without getting so tired and drained afterwards.
Cutting back and eating healthier is a great way to lose weight, but I want my firm body back and my 6 pack...
Any suggestions on this or does anyone else have the same chronic issue as me?


  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    What about trying a slower pace exercise such as yoga or tai chi? They have more fluid motions and more restorative, but still get your heart going and build up your muscle over time. Also, what about lifting weights? There are some programs that are designed to be around half an hour or less.

    I don't deal with chronic illness (i'm sorry that you do, that really sucks :/ ) but running and treadmills also drain me the most! Anything strictly "cardio" just absolutely kills me lol, but weight lifting and yoga are my favourite. My muscles feel sore and wiggly after a good workout, but I can still function afterwards!

    Maybe keep a protein shake next to you to sip on as you go, so that you can replenish your energy as you use it? I normally don't eat or drink (except water) anything during the actual exercise, but maybe it would help you?

    Good luck! I hope you can find something that works for you!
  • TerryKaine08
    Mononucleosis is rather personal and does vary from person to person, therefore you would be the best person to understand whether you are feeling exercise-tired, exercise-pain, or about to keel over. Generally Monosucleosis find it harder to gain weight. Focus on your nutrition as well as the way you eat ... eat your veggies first during a meal. At the gym, have a banana a few minutes before you start your exercise. Start on a cardio machine to warm up and speed up the banana's digestion. Once you are adequately warmed, hop onto resistance/weight exercises. After your resistance/weight section is over, you can do your cardio training. Then head over to the stretch area.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I have a couple friends with the same issue. They got chronic fatigue syndrome after mono and it lasted months. I'm so sorry! That must be very frustrating. I agree about the banana. I always eat a banana before working out and it gives me an energy boost. I would try shorter bursts of exercise? Maybe 10 or 15 min two or three times a day instead of a solid 45?