Will 20 minutes on the elliptical make a difference?

22 and 178lbs here. Just started going to the gym and I'm wondering if 200 calories burned 3x a week on the elliptical is enough to lose some weight?
I'm also fairly active at my job.

I've also been eating my exact calorie goal as well.


  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    It can help! Anywhere you can start is something :)
  • LadyBaggins
    It can help! Anywhere you can start is something :)
    Very true. After getting used to it I'll slowly keep upping the time.
    But I'm also on my feet for 8 hours at work so that's another 100 calories + c:
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Weight loss is all about your diet. Exercise can help you maintain a bigger calorie deficit, but really the goal to working out isn't usually just weight loss because it doesn't work without the diet component.

    That being said, 20 minutes on the elliptical 3X a week is a great place to start with a workout.
  • LadyBaggins
    Weight loss is all about your diet. Exercise can help you maintain a bigger calorie deficit, but really the goal to working out isn't usually just weight loss because it doesn't work without the diet component.

    That being said, 20 minutes on the elliptical 3X a week is a great place to start with a workout.
    True. Well I've been trying to eat a bit healthier. Started making green smoothies.
    Which is extremely tasty and a great way to add a bunch of veggies and fruit to my diet.
    Just need to work on cutting out some carbs really, that's my weakness.
  • yummyboogereaterr
    yummyboogereaterr Posts: 23 Member
    Everything you do will make a difference because everything adds up. On a side note though are you going off what the elliptical is saying you burned? I recently read an article talking about how ellipticals can overestimate your calorie burn by like 40%. If you're going to keep working out I suggest investing in a HRM for accurate calories burned.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    yes. small changes will yield big results. and it won't be 20 a session for very long. as your endurance and conditioning builds, you'll be doing 25 minutes each time soon enough. then you'll be saying things like "meh, i don't have to go do that thing today, so i can spend an extra twenty minutes here at the gym."
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Echoing everyone else - yes

    Calorific deficit = weight loss

    Cardiovascular exercise = improved heart, lung etc performance

    New exercise routines = decent initial weight loss

    If its at the gym & its offered you might find switching to 30x 3 a week in a metafit/HIIT class &/or lifting will serve you better long term later on. But any starting point is a good one.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member

    Work the diet too. Eat less / healthy and move more, you'll lose weight.
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    If you're accurately monitoring your calorie intake then yes. Otherwise no! You can not out exercise a bad diet.

    Also would like to echo the point made earlier about being careful how you get your calories burned estimates. Machines are notorious for over estimating.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    Definitely! However, you might want to switch it up in a few weeks just as a way to avoid a plateau. For example, you can doing intervals on the elliptical rather than keeping a steady pace, either by increasing the resistance or upping your speed.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Absolutely it may not feel like much now but you will be surprised how quickly your stamina will improve just keep pushing. try to add 2.5 - 5 minutes a session whatever you think you can manage. if you push hard enough you could even hit an hour in a week.

    if you want more direct energy rather than stamina you could also stay at 20 minutes and gradually up the intensity. By increasing speed and resistance.

    Don't be afraid to start small just be afraid to stay there.
  • LadyBaggins
    Thanks for all the positive comments! I'll give what I'm doing about a month and record what my results are :)
    I've been attempting to eat healthy-ish the past 5 days! If anyone wants feel free to add me and check out my diary and recommend what I should be cutting back on.

    My problem though is eating my calorie goal (1450.)
    I seem to find that I'm well under most of the time.
  • LadyBaggins
    Everything you do will make a difference because everything adds up. On a side note though are you going off what the elliptical is saying you burned? I recently read an article talking about how ellipticals can overestimate your calorie burn by like 40%. If you're going to keep working out I suggest investing in a HRM for accurate calories burned.
    Yeah, I've been going by what the elliptical at Planet Fitness says. I enter in my weight and age though.
    I plan on investing in a HRM sometime soon!
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    A pound of fat is 3,500 calories. You're burning 600 calories per week on the elliptical (assuming the calorie count is correct). Therefore, your elliptical workout is contributing roughly 1/6 lb per week in weight loss.
  • nlcs_nickyv32
    Like everyone said yes. I would recommend doing it after a weight lifting session. Someone else also said it. Lifting weights is the best way to keep fat off.
  • LadyBaggins
    A pound of fat is 3,500 calories. You're burning 600 calories per week on the elliptical (assuming the calorie count is correct). Therefore, your elliptical workout is contributing roughly 1/6 lb per week in weight loss.
    Thanks. I also have a Pacer on my phone and it says I burn typically 150 calories just from my steps taken throughout the day so I've been including that also.