How to STOP snacking???

Karmel1840 Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Any ideas on how to STOP snacking, I seem to think I am not full and am a BIG I should snack on carrots and celery....any ideas or tricks you guys use to stop the late night snacks?


  • Try chewing gum, or drink a diet soda
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I have upped my fiber and protein-and that actually really works for me. I stay full, longer by watching those two things.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Either snack on healthier things or find something else to do when you feel 'hungry'--usually you're just bored.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Gum, drink a bottle of water to see if it is something you really need to eat. If you still think you need it look at the calories and then log it before you eat and see if that is something you can "budget" into your calories. :)
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    I struggle with this every night. I am doing p90x and eating very healthfully throughout the day, and then night comes and the snacking starts. It's like my mind shuts off to all the hard work and any consequences and only thinks about what I can eat next.
    Then I guess I think I am fooling myself because then sometimes I won't log the snacks, like that means I didn't really get the calories. No wonder I am not losing any more weight!! :tongue:
  • Celery and Carrots with peanut butter are pretty good and filling.
  • I agree with chewing gum! It helps me a lot. I'm a big "taste" person so I always want something for the taste rather than because I'm actually hungry. When I know it's not actually hunger, I'll chew some sugar free gum to have something else to do instead of focusing on what I want to eat. And drink water. It usually re-enforces that I'm not hungry.
  • I get serious snacking urges between lunch and dinner, and after dinner before bed. First I removed all unhealthy snack items from the the house so they just aren't available. I replaced them with satsuma oranges and honeycrisp apples.

    I also have a daily routine now where I have a cup of herbal tea between lunch and dinner, and after dinner if I still have urges. It really works for me to keep me from snacking.
  • DRINK WATER LIKE A MADWOMAN LOST IN THE SAHARA DESERT! Hahaha...actually yes...nibbling on veggies help...but that can get old pretty quickly. Lets admit it, thwy dont taSTE all that great. So I suggest upping the fiber and proteins and H20!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Avoid artificial sweeteners, they prevent your body from burning fat and only make you hungrier.

    If you're having trouble with late night eating try to keep yourself occupied. Read a book, learn to knit or crochet, anything to keep your hands and mind busy. And, if you must have a snack, make sure it's healthy.
  • salsafeet
    salsafeet Posts: 15 Member
    How about doing some sewing or knitting to keep your hands occupied or paint your nails.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    DRINK WATER LIKE A MADWOMAN LOST IN THE SAHARA DESERT! Hahaha...actually yes...nibbling on veggies help...but that can get old pretty quickly. Lets admit it, thwy dont taSTE all that great. So I suggest upping the fiber and proteins and H20!

    LMAO I second this because it has worked for me!!
  • Ah, I will never stop snacking. I can do my worst damage from about 4:30 til 6:00 when I'm hungry. What is it you're looking for when you want to snack? Salty? Sweet? Try almonds or goldfish or popcorn. But be sure to portion them out ahead of time. I set aside 43 "mixed up adventures" goldfish, 10 or 20 almonds, or a cup of popcorn. And I eat them slowly and drink a lot of water as I'm eating. Something sweet is chewing gum or a 60 cal sugar-free pudding. It satisfies my sweet/chocolate craving nearly every time. When all else fails, I get on here and look at how far I've come and see where others are for some inspiration and moral support. We're trying to make this a lifestyle change, not just a diet.
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    When I am thinking about snacking and know that I'm really NOT hungry...I make a cup of hot tea. It is hot therefore requires sipping and takes me some time to drink and keeps my hands and mouth busy-lol. Sometimes I will drink a diet soda because I rarely drink pop as the carbonation gives me a stomach ache and so I need to sip it very slowly-and usually can only drink half a can (one of my kids is ALWAYS willing to drink the other half-lol). If I must snack I lean toward Post Honey-Nut shredded wheat...I grab a handful and munch it slowly (I'm rather addicted to it actually).
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    After dinner is the worst for me too!! I do great all day with food, sweat my booty off with workouts, then hit the pantry after dinner. It makes me so mad at myself sometimes! These are great suggestions! I'm going to work on this too. Friend me if you want, maybe we can keep each other accountable.
  • I have major problems snacking also. Usually from 4-8 pm, I just want to munch. In relation, this is my most stressful part of the day. The kids are home from school and I'm scrambling to help them with homework, they all want a snack, what to make for dinner, who has to get to practice or be picked up from practice, getting everyone to the dinner table, then getting them to bathe and get ready for the next day, while cleaning the kitchen and trying to tidy up before we all hit the hay. I have 5 kids so the stress level is high. Which is why I think I snack so destract me from the stress or I think it will calm my nerves. Find out why you snack so much. Most of us are emotional eaters of some sort. I'm working on lessening the stress in the evenings by having a snack and dinner ready before the kids come home. I've got dinner in the crock pot now and before I pick them up, I'll have a snack made and pencils sharpened at the table so everyone is ready to tackle home work. And paper plates really help with the cleaning up or making the kids all wash their own plates and clear the table.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I allow one snack after dinner, but I budget it in at the beginning of the day. I also make sure than snack is 2 hours or so before I go to bed. It's usually something chewy and crunchy at the same time. I love to have a Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar after dinner. I cut it into pieces and make sure I only have one bite every minute. Sounds odd, but it works!
  • I have found that I am a big snacker too. I have just had to change WHAT I snack on because I doubt that it will ever really stop altogether.
  • Water, lots of water!! Tbl spoon of Peanut butter w/ banana. It's almost a good as chocolate!!!
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    eat more smaller meals, 6 or 7 a day if you can. keep your body fueled so you don't want to snack.
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