starting yet again!,,

Trainorm87 Posts: 3 Member
I'm 27 years old with a 5yo and 22 mo...After my first I lost 22 lbs!! After my second I ve been back and fourth :( Met my husband at 115 lbs and am now a sad 163lbs. Been on and off dieting for almost 2 years now and getting sick of it! Looking for similar weight loss goal friends! Need lots of motivation to help me be success once and for all!! Let's motivate each other!!



  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Hello! my name is Rachel! I'm 21, I have an 8YO fur baby. After my sophomore year in high school I jumped from 130 to 170 and since graduating I've crept up. I've tried dieting in the past but it didn't bother me until I jumped on the scale and realized I was 5 lbs from 200. Definitely a wake-up call for me. Anyways, I love talking and being supportive of others and challenging myself to do better!

    SW: 195
    CW: 188
    STGW: 165
    LTGW: 140
  • SnarkyMam0610
    SnarkyMam0610 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, my name is Kristine, I am 27 years old, I have a 8 year old and a 4 year old. After having my oldest I lost all the weight I gained (which was right around 15 lbs) but then between the birth of my first child and getting pregnant with my second I gained the weight back. I then proceeded to gain another 30 lbs during my pregnancy, which magically melted off two weeks after delivery, But Now that he is 4 I am back to the weight that I was at delivery with him and my highest weight ever. I started with MFP in 2012 and we here for about 6-8 months before stopping, during that time I lost about 15 lbs, but it didn't stay off. So I am restarting again. So don't feel bad you are not alone.

    Starting weight: 303 lbs
    Current weight: 299 lbs
    Goal Weight: 175 - 180 lbs
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    Someone has to explain to me what an 8YO fur baby is.
    Sounds kinda interesting.:noway:
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Someone has to explain to me what an 8YO fur baby is.
    Sounds kinda interesting.:noway:

    Haha that would be my Labrador retreiver! She's a handful! :)
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Today marks the beginning of my 'getting started again'! I'm 35 and have a just 2YO baby boy and I'm just now getting the get-up-and-go to lose the rest of the baby weight. Before I got pregnant, I lost about 20lbs and weighed less than I had in years. Now, I've got about 12lbs to get to my Pre-preggo weight which is where I'd like to be (or less) before we try for baby #2. Feel free to add me.... I can always use active, motivated friends! :-) Good luck everyone!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'm here for you! You can do this. Add me for support!
    SW: 332
    CW: 224
    GW: 199 (yes, that would be 133 lbs lost!)
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me as well. Im 49 yrs old, married for 26 yrs and have 2 grown kids. Time to take care of myself and start enjoying life.

    SW - 161
    CW - 159
    GW - 135
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    I feel really dumb here. I have no idea what all they letters and numbers stand for...:huh:
  • kstar0327
    kstar0327 Posts: 54 Member
    sw = starting weight
    cw = current weight
    gw = goal weight
  • rahknight
    rahknight Posts: 4
    I'm starting even though it seems pointless until I wean my daughter. I exercised and ate 1800 cal a day for two mo with no change but...

    Here I go.

    I have insulin resistance and pcos and can't take meds until don't nursing

    Don't know exact start weight 210? I haven't weighed in a month.

    Goal 150
  • kwilcox1195
    tomorrow is my first day of 'starting over'. I've tried just eating healthy, but I realize I NEED to count my calories, otherwise I go way overboard! I'm pretty short and weight 134 (I have quite the belly). My fiance is away in the army training in florida. In Dec, we're getting married :D and I want to look amazing by then, and want him to notice a change in me in September when I go visit him! I wish you all the best of luck! :D

    cw: 134
    gw: 120
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Life is full of beginnings and ends. Doesn't mean you don't try. Welcome back.