For those who lost weight and gained it back



  • receiverofsteps
    receiverofsteps Posts: 2 Member
    I was 63 kg after my freshman year of college and dropped down to 49 kg over a period of about six months. But during my sophomore year, the scale hit 67 kg. This was caused by stress/binge eating (I tend to isolate myself when I feel stressed) and no exercise obviously.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    For me it was a few things. I got an injury and then developed chronic pain, so my exercise routine changed. My diet changed because I started getting IBS, and found out I had fructose and lactose intolerance; so I changed to a low FODMAP diet. Then I started taking a couple of medications for chronic pain and depression, which make you gain weight. I gained 17kg and have maintained my current weight for some time now.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I am a stress and emotional eater.

    In 2011 I lost over 50 pounds, and was really proud of my accomplishments. Then I had a lot of things hit me one after the other. I had to quit my job, I had to move and try to find a new job, found out I'd be moving half way across the country at the same time my mom was diagnosed with MS, actually had to move halfway across the country, had a crappy job with a horrible boss, had no friends locally and became quite depressed, hubby ended up in the hospital with complications from his Crohn's, both of our cars needed $1000+ repairs, had to move *again* halfway across the country (back to where we were before), had to try to find a job *again* and on top of all of it an over all stress about finances and the future. In the course of about 2 years, I gained back the 50 I lost, plus another 30.... So 80 pounds.

    A couple months ago things finally settled down, so I recommitted. We have 1 move left, and we'll finally settle somewhere. The reason for all the moving was my husband's grad school program. But since he recently graduated and is (hopefully!) taking a job soon (they will be discussing a compensation package tomorrow), we'll be able to relax a bit.