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Where are you, geek chicks?



  • kiarafitjourney
    kiarafitjourney Posts: 33 Member
    I love reading, mostly young adult series, dystupian and paranormal. and im into fanfiction, can read it hours and hours.
    love manga and anime as well.
    i once has life aspiration to become a writer, but it didnt work lol.
    i love games too such as sims 3 and otome games. and i fall in love easily with fictional character. lol .
    i need friends here so please kindly add me :)
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Ugh. Where are all the Supernatural fans?

    I live on a steady diet of fan fiction, both reading and writing, when I'm not re-watching SPN, Doctor Who (Nine and Ten for me, thanks), Sherlock, Eureka, and BSG. Not sure if I qualify as a full-on geek, but I sure aspire to be one day.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Ugh. Where are all the Supernatural fans?

    I live on a steady diet of fan fiction, both reading and writing, when I'm not re-watching SPN, Doctor Who (Nine and Ten for me, thanks), Sherlock, Eureka, and BSG. Not sure if I qualify as a full-on geek, but I sure aspire to be one day.

    Lol, Annalisbeth - if you're aspiring to be a full on geek, I assure you you've already made it!! :)
    I never saw Supernatural, but since I love all of those other shows and the 9th and 10th, but not really 11, I am thinking I'd probably like it. I'll check out my netflix and amazon prime, maybe its available there?
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,530 Member
    In my 40s too - Play World of Warcraft on the daily if that makes me a geek - lol! I need to lose about 30 pounds and the struggle is real!!!! It is so much harder in your 40s!!
  • Berry2084
    Berry2084 Posts: 13 Member
    Ooooo do I qualify for geek club let me see now I am a whovian (10th for me) new series only so far though i would like to get into classic. I like star trek TNG, DS9 and VOY, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Fringe and others.

    I am a bit of a gamer mainly ps3 Skyrim (platinum trophy), Uncharted and the like. For PC have got Sims, the starter pack for WoW but I can't seem to get the hang of it, same with Civ 5 tried can't seem to stick with it.

    My favourite books are fantasy and Sci Fi, Dystopias just finished WOOL trilogy which I really enjoyed I read Doctor Who novels as well.

    Used to play warcraft table top game as a kid no one to play with now :frown:
  • kandalure
    kandalure Posts: 28 Member
    Geek here too! Feel free to add me as I am always looking for more friends for more motivation!
  • jhilhan
    jhilhan Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a geek through and through.
    I'm a 43 year old gamer girl that prefers MMMRPG games. My husband and I have played World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Star Wars the Old Republic, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2 and a few others.
    I also play The Sims and random dog show simulator games.

    I am a role player. I prefer text based but also engage in tabletop and LARP. I have a closet full of period clothing that I wear to Medieval Faires.

    I'm a high fantasy and urban fantasy nut. I adore The Dresden Files.
    I feel the only Star Wars movies worth watching are the original three. I grew up on the original Star Trek series and the TV series of The Planet of the Apes.

    Sports are a foreign concept for me. I'd much rather play at the computer, write stories or lose myself in a good book.
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    Gaming, book reading, MTG playing, Sy-Fy loving, geeky gal present and accounted for. Started with 70 lbs. to lose myself, but am down 16. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    How to Tell the Difference Between Nerds and Geeks (googled)

    I call BOGUS! : ^ D

    IMO: A geek is more extroverted, a nerd more introverted
    And that's all folks!!

    ...and who but a "seersucker" (seersucker??? Really Urban Dic.???) --who but a nerd/geek would bother to look up a definition--

    On another note: If nothing else I'm going for a walk and listen to TED Talks. I'd better do it now while it is overcast here in So. Cal.

    I teach English at a public high school with an interesting mix of kids. How did a nerd end up teaching English? Reading and interpreting text comes easily to me, and what else could I have majored in??
    The bureaucracy (did I spell that right?-- creativity and rigid adherence to rules doesn't always go together..or maybe at all?)the bureaucracy is something I have to unhook from as much as possible. Education before the age of 18 is run and ruled by traditionalists.
  • Cindyloo01
    Cindyloo01 Posts: 94 Member
    Same here, over 40, guess you'd call me a geek.. Sci-fi books, movies and shows are my fav entertainment, besides video games... I work on computers for work and hobby. I raised my daughter to be the same.
  • Frobie
    Frobie Posts: 29 Member
    HEY! Me too! How exciting is it to see all us geek-types crawl out of the woodwork?!

    I play WoW (and have since release)
    I play every other MMORPG that comes out - but always return to wow
    I met my huband on WoW
    I play Magic
    I play Hearthstone
    Am pursing my third degree at university (Anthropology) because I cannot stop needing to be taught and graded!
    I have a "grammar problem" in that it must...be...perfect!
    I love and watch Star Trek and Star Wars
    Althought I liked JJ's Star Trek from an action/sci-fi movie perspective...it wasn't Star Trek...
    I am an avid collector of DC comics
    Batman has never been portrayed properly on the big screen.
    I regularly go to conventions

    There is so much more......

    Anyway, feel free to add me! Having like minded people to chat with would be awesome :happy:

  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    40 year-old video-gaming, metal-loving, guitar-playing, sci-fi/fantasy/documentary/wrestling-watching nerd* and proud of it!

    *albeit without the supreme intelligence.
  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    Star Wars or Lord of the Rings? ;)

    Watch Star Wars, read LOTR.
  • ottawapk
    ottawapk Posts: 46 Member
    I am here! I am 39 and have both geeky and nerdy qualities and am looking for friends here on map, of both varieties! Here are my current and recent loves:

    Star Trek (since I was a kid), Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica (old AND new), Dr Who (favourite: Tennant), Supernatural, Buffy and the entire JossWhedon-verse, and Game of Thrones.

    I am a librarian!! I love to read about science, especially physics and cosmology. Anything to do with space is pretty damn cool...

    I am not so much into gaming because of lack of TIME. But I could get into it in a serious way.

    I also like cats. Like, I am a super serious cat lady. In an epic way. I have two, but love ALL THE KITTEHS.

    Thanks for starting this thread!
  • ottawapk
    ottawapk Posts: 46 Member
    Yes I prefer David Tennant to Matt Smith and am deeply concerned about Peter Capaldi.

    Tennant is also my favourite. I am knida meh on Matt Smith, although there were some amazing episodes during his time. (Sorry, I just do not understand fish sticks and custard.) I LOVED John Hurt and wish we could have seen more of him! For some reason I have all this faith that Capaldi will be excellent. I hope I am not disappointed! Any other Whovians care to chime in?
  • ottawapk
    ottawapk Posts: 46 Member
    Ugh. Where are all the Supernatural fans?

    Right here! My tumblr is filled with pics of J2. I'm more on board with Wincest than I am Destiel. I mean, Mischa Collins is adorable, but gotta go with the brothers. You know?

    If you know what I'm talking about, I'd be happy to hear from you! :)
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member

    Right here! My tumblr is filled with pics of J2. I'm more on board with Wincest than I am Destiel. I mean, Mischa Collins is adorable, but gotta go with the brothers. You know?

    I'm more of a Destiel girl, but I do love the occasional Wincest fic. And if all 3 are thrown together, more's the better.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Yes I prefer David Tennant to Matt Smith and am deeply concerned about Peter Capaldi.

    Tennant is also my favourite. I am knida meh on Matt Smith, although there were some amazing episodes during his time. (Sorry, I just do not understand fish sticks and custard.) I LOVED John Hurt and wish we could have seen more of him! For some reason I have all this faith that Capaldi will be excellent. I hope I am not disappointed! Any other Whovians care to chime in?

    I have zero concerns about Peter Capaldi being the Doctor. He's a great actor and lifelong fan and I am so looking forward to his Doctor. Not a huge fan of Matt Smith although I am taking my son to meet him at Fan Expo in Toronto next month. Clara can leave yesterday (would love to see Donna Noble return), she is probably my least favourite companion ever. As far as the reboot series, Tennant was good and I enjoyed his episodes but I lean to Christopher Eccleston as the best of the three. I was born in the UK and 5 yrs old when the series began so I was actually raised on classic Who. As you can tell from my profile pic, my son is also a classic Who fan and cosplays the 7th Doctor.
  • kscarf1
    kscarf1 Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! Overwhelmed by all your responses. I didn't say much about my own geekiness/nerdiness/dorkiness. I have degrees in computer science and technical writing, and I work as a developer of computer security publications. I love sci-fi, mainly movies and TV, sometimes books. I tend to read mostly non-fiction (science, mathematics, technology) but I'm trying to read more fiction so I have better balance in my life. I love zombies! Huge fan of The Walking Dead and zombie movies in general. Watched the original Doctor Who series back in the 80s...haven't seen as much of the new series but I've liked what I've seen. Thinking about diving back into Doctor Who full-time when the new doctor starts up. Let's see, what else...I'm currently watching Falling Skies (anyone else here a fan?) and I binge-watch Game of Thrones when a new season comes out on DVD. Yeah, I'm one of *those* people who avoids spoilers and watches the big shows a year after they come out. :) Ooh, I am also a big fan of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki's work in particular. Even went to Japan and visited the Ghibli museum!
  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    Yes I prefer David Tennant to Matt Smith and am deeply concerned about Peter Capaldi.

    Tennant is also my favourite. I am knida meh on Matt Smith, although there were some amazing episodes during his time. (Sorry, I just do not understand fish sticks and custard.) I LOVED John Hurt and wish we could have seen more of him! For some reason I have all this faith that Capaldi will be excellent. I hope I am not disappointed! Any other Whovians care to chime in?

    It was all about Tom Baker for me! I have faith in Capaldi, but he'll ALWAYS be Malcolm Tucker, so I'll be imagining his dialogue peppered with profanities.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Everyone is a geek/nerd now a days... the better question is who isn't one? :laugh:
  • Hi, I'm 43 and looking for some friends. I have gained and lost thru out my life. We seem to have alot in common. Kind of geek and husband is a total geek! LOL! I am back of the MFP plan after straying and gaining back what I have lost. I need to get this right!
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely a Geek Chick here! Or as my bf calls me, The Nerd. I am a librarian with a love for super heroes, among other things :) Looking to lose around 80 lbs as well! Feel free to add me, anyone! I feel like there could be some seriously cool chicks in here :)
  • maireailbhe
    maireailbhe Posts: 19 Member
    *raises hand* Present!! :D
    I've got about 80 more pounds to lose, so you guys will be seeing me for quite a while yet. LOL!
    Used to do lots of RPs back when there were MUSHes. Grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek. And I'm a BtVS obsessive. I welcome new friends, so feel free to add me! :D
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Proud Whovian here - watching it every Friday night as a tween wearing a floppy hat & eating gummy bears (closest thing I could think of to jelly babies at the time :). My favorite is Sylvest McCoy - despite some of the horrible episodes they put him through he was a fantastic Doctor.

    Thanks to my Dad, I can proudly say I saw the first run of Star Wars IV 21 times in the theatre/drive-in at the tender age of 5. It _may_ have had an influence on my life :)

    Grew up on Tolkien, Bradbury, Asimov, L'Engle - seeing subdivisions with identical houses always makes me think of 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Currently a huge Jim Butcher/Dresden Files fan.

    Also a Supernatural fan :) ...and of probably everything else once I discover it.
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi there, I think that I may qualify as a geek. I love biochemistry and cellular biology. I also enjoy philosophy. I am a closet Star Wars fan, enjoy chess, and have a ravenous appetite for books in the genre of the Fantastic. Please feel free to add.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Love that all the die hard Whovian Brits chimed in on Capaldi. Makes me feel better. I just get worried when Moffat keeps pushing back the timeline. And yes Clara can go . Best Clara moment can be summed up in one word "Pond". But you have to remember the only experience Americans have with Capaldi is in Torchwood.Suggestions for Capaldi's other shows to get us primed ?
    Also Yes Katherine Tate although I could do with another season of teh Katherine Tate Show instead, ar-right?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,878 Member
    Geek - check. Losing 80-100lbs for the umpteenth time - check. Friend away!!
  • Hi there!
    New to the site, hoping to loose about 20 lbs to get back to a healthy BMI.
    I am a def. a geek woman! Love gaming, I am a proud Trek-y/sci-fi finatic and Whovian (woot woot to all my fellow Whovians out there)
    have watched the Star Wars franchise at least....10 times and am a die hard fan of Tolkien.

    Looking for some friends who like the same things :)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    . But you have to remember the only experience Americans have with Capaldi is in Torchwood.Suggestions for Capaldi's other shows to get us primed ?
    He was in DW - the dad in Fires of Pompeii.
    You can watch The Thick of It on Hulu - warning: lots of profanity, as in mostly with a few normal words thrown in now & then.
    They do make some DW refs :)
    Also World War Z is on Netflix and Capaldi is in it as a W.H.O. Doctor. Disappointing movie if you've read the book but okay if you consider them completely unrelated.
    You can check out his imdb for more - he's been in loads of stuff.
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