I'm New Here


I'm new to this website and am looking for some accountability buddies/people to share my journey with. I'm a 21 year old female from the USA and thought I live a pretty active lifestyle, I've been slightly overweight/"chubby" my whole life. I struggle with anxiety and depression, and after my father passed away my weight got out of hand. Many health problems run in my family, and I've decided it's time to make a positive change for myself physically and mentally. I've never *actually* tried to lose weight before, though I've thought about it and wished for it for as long as I can remember. I'm also recovering from a recent bunionectomy, but I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and begin this journey with adjusting my diet and lifting weights before adding cardio in.

I'm hoping that this site will provide me with some motivation in my transition into a new, healthy lifestyle. Have any tips for a first time dieter, please share!

- Mary


  • sparlett90
    Hi Mary :)

    My name is Sara, nice to meet you! I am 24 and live in the good ol' USA as well.
    I have been struggling with much of the same things you have. I have always been "chubby" since I can remember and when my parents divorced out of nowhere back in 2010, I kind of got out of control and just gave up on staying healthy. My father and grandfather have diabetes and obesity runs in my family. I knew that once I could no longer squeeze into my size 9 jeans, I had to do something! I am hoping to loose 20 lbs and get to a healthy BMI.

    I wish you luck on your journey and if you need anyone to talk to, by all means I would love to chat and compare exercise routines :)


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Mary! I had similar reasons for starting my fitness journey. My father passes away from complications related to diabetes, and I decided I wasn't going to let it kill me too. I have lost 80 pounds in the past two years. Feel free to add me if you like.