Weekly weigh in post?

Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone has or thinks it would be a good idea to start a post where as a community we can share how much we have lost/put on or stayed the same each week to cheer each other on and increase the positivity, so you're not necessarily doing it alone.

Let me know what you think.


  • Aarthurdc
    Aarthurdc Posts: 21 Member
    Like the idea, and I never post on here. The thing is....I am not weighing myself for another week, so will start next week.
  • D_Angle
    D_Angle Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds good.

    I'll start.

    I weigh myself randomly throughout the week but only "count" the weight on Fridays. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning. Current weight is 177.4
  • Like the idea, and I never post on here. The thing is....I am not weighing myself for another week, so will start next week.
    I'm so glad someone thinks it's a good idea haha and that's fine, I'm not weighing in until Thursday either.
  • D_Angle
    D_Angle Posts: 5 Member
    Today's weight: 177.6

    Small gain...arrgh :grumble:
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I think that's a good idea - but for a group you might want to set the "weigh-in" day. The switch will be hard for some, but then everyone knows to check on that day for their group of 'weighers' and it will be easier to track ups & downs. Just a thought.
  • D_Angle
    D_Angle Posts: 5 Member
    I had plateaued so took a break for a while. Started back Monday (Sept 29th) and was pleased to see the weight dropping again. Today I'm at 173.4
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Todays weight for me is 184 :)