From Debbie to Dynamite



  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi All,

    Hope you are all doing well.

    We did get some snow here tonight. I few inches but it really slows people down here cause we're not used to it.

    Of course I'm thinking about my holiday to Jamaica. I take off in 13 days!! :glasses:

    I'm thinking of challenging my self to burn 5000 calories a week while I'm on holidays.
    I'll be able to access MFP mobile on my ipod so I can keep logging in. My hotel has free wi-fi in the Lobby.

    I want to burn 1000 calories a day. For 5 out of 7 days.
    I'd do a 90 min walk on the beach and a 45 min swim in the ocean or a pool. The swimming is fantastic and the water is warm enough you can stay in forever.

    I'd take 2 days off per week to give my ankle a chance to rest.

    I'm also planning to eat reasonably well and do some snorkeling and a lot of dancing.

    Not sure what the goal would be other than the calorie burn.

    I'm only trying this cause I'm on holidays,
    There no way with work and family I could pul this off at home.

    Did something similar last year but i wasn't logging consistently and i didn't have a set calorie goal.

    Have any of you tried to burn that many calories a week?
    Any success?
    Any ideas on how to make it work?

    Let me know.

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Ughhh, you ever have one of those days when you eat your calories but didn't pay attention to what you were eating all day so you ate lots of ..........cauliflower, cheese, popcorn, weight was up 1 lb so not too worried, but my tummy is sooooooo bloated. I'm planning on semi-fasting today so I can get rid of the bloat and the gassy gas (heee heee) before my boyfriend comes over tonight, lol! Anyway, it made me realize that I need to watch that kind of thing, like maybe I get too much sodium, carb or protein load, in on some days because I'm not focusing on the whole day of eating but rather that I'm eating my calories and that my individual meals are at least semi-healthy. I'm going to try to start paying attention to those details and see if they make a difference with my own weight loss!

    Aprilfit--so excited about your upcoming vacation, those are great goals!!!! Good luck!
    Abtropix -- WTG for taking on PX-90...good luck with that and definitely keep us updated!
    MTDork -- How's ChaLean going???!!!! Did you ever try those chocolate bliss cookies?
    Daisy --Thoughts about TurboFire start date?

    Landry- where are you, I see you posting your exercise...have you left us? I miss those recipes!!!!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    hi Ladies!!!!!,

    Sorry i've been away so long but i do appreciate the messages, they really helped me get back in line. I missed you guys! So my whole family had the flu and we were down for two weeks. the one good thing about the flu is I lost 5 lbs. lol.
    Anyway I'm really going to need your help. Currently my company gives us a 20% discount on all of our purchases and on January 26th as a part of a healthy living iniative they are doing biometric screenings and offering up to a 30% discount for those who do well on the screening. they test for blood presser, cholestrol and bmi or hiehgt to waist ratio. I need support and to work really hard so help!!
    Here is a lentil chili recipe I made last night for dinner. Have a great day everyone

    Lentil Chili

    8 cups low-sodium vegetable broth, divided
    1 medium yellow onion, chopped
    1 large red bell pepper, chopped
    5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    4 teaspoons salt-free chili powder
    1 (16-ounce) package brown lentils (about 2 1/4 cups lentils)
    2 (15-ounce) cans no-salt-added diced tomatoes
    1/4 cup chopped cilantro

    Bring 3/4 cup broth to a simmer in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, bell pepper and garlic and cook about 8 minutes or until onion is translucent and pepper is tender. Stir in chili powder and cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add lentils, tomatoes and remaining 7 1/4 cups broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, partially covered, 30 minutes or until lentils are almost tender. Uncover and cook 10 minutes longer. Stir in cilantro and serve.
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all,

    Landry - Great to have you back with us. Good luck with your fitness testing. Burn it up is a great waist reducer.

    Measured in this morning.
    weighed in the 1st time since before Christmas.
    I'm sure I gained through the christmas season but I didn't want to see it :noway:

    Now it's a whole new game.

    Waist- 36.5
    Thighs 25
    Hips 42.5
    Arms- 12.25

    Biggest change is my still chest (under the bust measurment) started at 40 and is now 36.5!

    Weight 208.4

    Which is good by me.

    Off to work. Have a great day everybody!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Will update properly in a bit guys, promise!

    Holy HELL have I been sick. Too-sick-to-look-at-the-computer sick. Too-sick-to-get-out-of-bed-for-four-days sick. Too-sick-to-work-or-make-any-money-after-the-holidays sick.

    But I have logged my calories through it all.

    Looks like I'll be starting ChaLEAN with you guys after all :-)
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    MTDork - Take care!!! Get healthy soon! Drink lots of fluids!

    Landry - Good luck on the testing! If you do Burn it Up daily until then, you'll def get good numbers!

    April - Yay! You'll be in sunny Jamaica-man soon! :) I did a challenge last Dec with a few MFP friends, but they were crazy! I think they were challenging 10,000 cals/wk or even 11,000!!!! I joined and was fun to have a commitment, but I think I only committed to 5,700 and was able to do it, but tough! I do need my day off a wk and one day I only burned about 250 cals, so that meant about 1000/day, which for me is really tough! It meant about 3 hrs of working out a day!!! I had a lot of fun playing tons of tennis, but my work was affected, since my inbox and emails and list of things to do was piling up big time! But then again, you'll be on vacation! Just try to stay active, do your daily walking and eat healthy! And WTG on your stats!!! WOW!

    Daisy - when will you be done with your move?

    Truhvn - did you do the semi-fast? What did you do?

    Now me.... No P90X yet (such a wimp!) I've been reading and re-reading and today I watched the first DVD which just tells you what to expect, what you need, etc... Seems tough! And the menu planning and all that protein that I know will hurt my wallet! I don't think I'll follow it by the book, but I'll adjust what I can. I will hopefully do my measurements and fitness test tomorrow and start Monday?? (notice question marks, not sure!) But let me tell you, if I don't start P90X, I will def do BIU, since I've been falling off the wagon in nutrition AND exercise! I'll commit to do an exercise video daily PLUS additional tennis or elliptical or personal trainer with one day a wk off.

    Take care you guys! Keep it up!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    MTDork - Take care!!! Get healthy soon! Drink lots of fluids!

    Landry - Good luck on the testing! If you do Burn it Up daily until then, you'll def get good numbers!

    April - Yay! You'll be in sunny Jamaica-man soon! :) I did a challenge last Dec with a few MFP friends, but they were crazy! I think they were challenging 10,000 cals/wk or even 11,000!!!! I joined and was fun to have a commitment, but I think I only committed to 5,700 and was able to do it, but tough! I do need my day off a wk and one day I only burned about 250 cals, so that meant about 1000/day, which for me is really tough! It meant about 3 hrs of working out a day!!! I had a lot of fun playing tons of tennis, but my work was affected, since my inbox and emails and list of things to do was piling up big time! But then again, you'll be on vacation! Just try to stay active, do your daily walking and eat healthy! And WTG on your stats!!! WOW!

    Daisy - when will you be done with your move?

    Truhvn - did you do the semi-fast? What did you do?

    Now me.... No P90X yet (such a wimp!) I've been reading and re-reading and today I watched the first DVD which just tells you what to expect, what you need, etc... Seems tough! And the menu planning and all that protein that I know will hurt my wallet! I don't think I'll follow it by the book, but I'll adjust what I can. I will hopefully do my measurements and fitness test tomorrow and start Monday?? (notice question marks, not sure!) But let me tell you, if I don't start P90X, I will def do BIU, since I've been falling off the wagon in nutrition AND exercise! I'll commit to do an exercise video daily PLUS additional tennis or elliptical or personal trainer with one day a wk off.

    Take care you guys! Keep it up!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    just checking in... have to get my hips checked b4 i can continue with the exercises...
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Hello's some stats. And NO I did not stay away from my scale. I have been catching episodes of I used to be Fat and they are weighing in every 3 weeks or so SO I'm gonna aim for a no scale February when I am able to start Turbo Fire.

    Weight - 161 !!!! And everything else is the same. I swear if I could measure my finger and all those little bits that are losing some cm....I can tell I'm shrinking but it's all leaving from areas I'm NOT measuring. Hopefully when I get revved up with TurboFire I will start seeing those inches drop. I can't believe I'm asking for that though because it's always been about weight for me and frankly I want to see those inches gone so I can see the tone in my body! I feel that I am building muscle which is why I'm losing weight but not toning down least that's my own theory I could be completely off base!

    Abtropix- I did a fast for about 3/4 of the day for one day...I just drank and drank and drank either water or coffee, and then I had a descent meal low on carbs. That was as long as I could go but it seemed to help get me over the stand still I'd had with dropping more lbs.

    Hope everything is going well for everyone else! I'm counting down to my tax return, it's been approved and now it's just a waiting game to get deposited but aiming for around Jan 280-Feb 4 so TURBOFIRE here I come!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Drumroll pls..... I started P90X today! TOUGH, real TOUGH!

    I woke up early and did 1 hr elliptical debating if I should do the video and decided that at least today I had the time, so I went for it! All though the pull up bar and other equipment is in the basement and the DVD is in my bedroom and didn't feel like unhooking and hooking cables up to move the DVD player, I decided I would watch it first and do as much as possible to see if I really needed all that stuff. Found out I do need it, but in the meantime, did the full hr plus 12 mins ab ripper with bands, mat and adjusting some moves. It was heavy push ups, boot camp like. TOUGH, again, real TOUGH!

    I haven't measured myself and I weighed myself today, still at 125... I figure everything is still the same.... Hopefully next wk it won't!

    Trhvn - great job!!!! You must be so proud! Keep pushing those numbers down!!!

    To the rest - don't forget about us and keep up posted on the stuff you're doing!

    BTW - today is my b-day!!! Great way to start a new yr! 39 - I should celebrate it big time today, since I'm still on the 3rd decade, but on a Monday and last minute, I guess I'll have to plan it well for next yr, the big four oh!!!!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member

    I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I hope you had a very good Bday!!!! Congrats on getting started with PX90....even looking at it scares me!!! Thanks for the props...I AM proud of myself. I've found myself checking me out in the mirror and I actually WANT more form fitting tops so that the loss is more evident to myself and others. I have successfully gotten into my 14s but I've discovered that I will NOT be wearing them until I can flatten my stomach a bit more. I'm guessing the whole reason I was a higher jean size than I needed to be was because it helps to hide my belly. So I'm aiming for KILLER ABS so they aren't holding me back for fear of a muffin top!

    Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Abtropix! Keep up the good work! Everyone else PUSH IT, PUSH IT REAL GOOD...duh deduh de dum dum de dah de dah
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Quick note since I need to go to the bank:

    Thx Trhvn!!! Had a great b-day and I'm so glad you're looking for clothes that fit you differently so you can see the diff!!! It's exciting!

    2 things: 1. Had the personal training session today and was very interesting. I will let you know all the details as soon as I have time. and 2. I got an email from a trainer at Beachbody with a promo for $30 off ChaLEAN extreme. I'm not going to get it, but if any of you are interested, I could email it to you guys... Let me know!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    getting hips looked at today
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey Guys!!! I missed you!!

    So I'm back! I've been sick and busy and stressed which is a HORRIBLE combination for weight loss! Gah! I haven't weighed myself because it's January but I do think I'm probably gaining at least a little back. BUT I'm back in action now so it won't last :-)

    RLAL - Good luck with the hips. I have bad crackling hips as well so let me know what the Dr. says!

    Abtropix - Happy belated B-day! And congrats on the P90X, you're a total inspiration!

    Truhvn - Congrats on fitting into those jeans! Don't worry, you'll be wearing them loose in no time!

    So my big grad school auditions are in a week (GAH!) and once they are over then the focus goes back to exercising and toning for the summer! Until then, every spare moment I'm working on monologues and applications and transcripts and AHH THIS IS SO STRESSFUL!

    Hope all is well, happy to see you all being successful!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    well heres the news from the doc. the pain he is trying to treat with a mixture of anti-inflammatory and pain meds... if that controls my pain then we will go from there if not then he will send me for an mri... i think i may try to do light walking or something... today was the first day on the med n i cnt remember feeling too much pain so maybe that is a good sign... welp hope everyone is doing well
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hello Slim in Sixers! How is everyone doing on Slim in Six? I just finished start it up and will start ramp it up tomorrow - is it super hard? Hopefully I can make it through. I would love to hear what kind of results you are all having :)
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Sandypants, I did S in 6 about 2 yrs ago with great results. I lost about 10 lbs, got to my goal weight and was very fit. I felt my body was sculpted and felt great! Then I sort of let loose again and started up again with workouts a few months ago with these people here. Great support! I haven't been very regular because of my schedule, but I was able to loose a few lbs and feel great. Now I'm starting P90X, still with not the full time commitment. I play tennis, do a little elliptical and will try to do P90X 4 times a wk, but I'm not following the plan by the book. Good luck with your plan and you'll see that you'll see the difference! Burn it Up is tough but reasonable (compared to P90X!) and you can do it! Stick with it!

    MTDork - seems that you aren't the only one that's really busy! Havent' heard from you all!!!!

    I've bee tired...I think I'll commit to P90X 4 times a wk and I'll go on MY schedule, not the guys...I'll do my tennis and fit in the workouts. I am not following the diet by the book either. I will just try to eat healthier, make good food choices and eat as much protein as possible!

    Today and tomorrow I have my final personal training sessions (my parents are back) and I still have to let you guys know all the feedback I got from him! Soon I'll have the time! Gotta go to my session and my tennis! See ya!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    AHHH! Yes Abtropix I think we are all experiencing the busyness that comes with LIFE!!!!

    I will be the first to admit that I haven't done much exercise at all lately. I've been on the mindset of maintenance, which I've done well I think. I'm at a point where I don't even want to look at Debbie...not because I don't like her, I LOVE HER, but man I'm SO ready for some upbeat dance music and jumping around, I need the CARDIO!!! So I'm gonna order Turbo Jam (or Turbo FIRE, I still can't decide) come the first of FEB. I've still managed to lose a few lbs by eating my calories and have even been able to curb weight gain on those indulgences I have been allowing myself. I think that means I have boosted my metabolism a bit, which is great!!! I AM excited to increase my exercise again as I am almost half way to my weight loss goal and almost under 160!!! I am fitting my 14s just fine (minus the muffin top I experience from wearing them, which leads me to stick to my 16s bc they cover my belly!) and people have been noticing left and right that I've been losing! It's so nice to be able to say..."I've lost over 20 lbs" when someone asks and even better to say " eating better and exercising" when they ask how.

    A few people I know, some of them close girlfriends, have been hankering to try HCG drops to help them with weight loss, which one my coworkers has been using. It's not that it isn't effective, my coworker has lost 14 lbs so far in about 2-3 weeks, but pretty much it's just starving yourself, and I'm not up for a quick fix. I'm worried that if I don't figure out how to do it on my own then it WONT stick afterwards! I mean how can you avoid putting the weight back on it you don't change any habits that put them there in the first place?! So I might sound snobby to my gf's when they ask if I'm gonna do it cuz I just tell them I'd rather do it the healthy old fashioned way!

    Hope everyone is doing well and keep posting those updates!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Miss seeing the updates!!!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    im still waiting on the doctor so i can get my next appointment set up for my hips the meds he gave me ddnt rly help so im hoping he will do a mri