I need some support - 100 lbs to lose!



  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have a long journey too
  • iamceez23
    iamceez23 Posts: 23
    Hey I will send you a request...I have 75 to lose! And I also believe in you :) lets work on this together.
    Also, anyone can add me :)
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member

    I have 100+ lbs to lose too. I was a size 16 before I met my fiance in 2010 and then he had something I didn't have -- a car. We started driving everywhere and I got comfortable and lazy. I now wear a size 24 or 26.

    We can do this!!

    Anyone can add me!
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    You are wonderful no matter what you weigh. You already know that you can do it. I look forward to losing my 100 pounds with you. Falling in love does all sorts of things to us. If you just gained some weight, that can be easily changed. :happy:
  • Hi ladies!! This is my 2nd time on MFP, I had to create a new account because I don't even have the old email address anymore!
    I have about 35-40 lbs to lose still. I have found that it is easier when I don't focus on the #s and focus instead on my goals. Which are to resolve my prediabetic symptoms and my throid issues, and hopefully to reduce some of the pain from my arthritis caused by the extra weight on my joints. Feel free to add me :)
  • BEquality
    BEquality Posts: 58 Member
    You can add me...I have about 150 lbs to lose.

    Same here... we can do it! :)
  • hello. I have only been here a week, but am loving it. i have to lose 100 lbs as my first goal, so i am going to be here a while lol..anyone is free to add me. i log everything good and bad, and check in numerous times a day
  • swimdeb1
    swimdeb1 Posts: 42 Member
    You have found the right place here. I just started back this week and reading comments,support is amazing.
  • swimdeb1
    swimdeb1 Posts: 42 Member
    P.s. I'm still trying to turn on my ticker. Can't find the setting but I'm down 1.4. It's a start!
  • swimdeb1
    swimdeb1 Posts: 42 Member
    Checking to see if my ticker is on.
  • kasterrett
    kasterrett Posts: 53 Member
    I blame my husband too ;) I went from 260 to 332 while I've been with him....at 305 currently BUT STILL!

    Adding you.
  • BolandSouthPark
    BolandSouthPark Posts: 13 Member
    You KNOW you can do this! I have a similar story, I have been gaining and losing most of my life. Although the most I have ever lost (had to lose) was 70 pounds, this time I have a 115 plus pounds to lose. I just started last week, I have a long journey ahead of me. As you know, this is the best place to be to help you get there.
  • serenity521
    serenity521 Posts: 14 Member
    You can do it! We are in the same boat, at my heaviest I was 308, lost it all and gained it all back! I am starting my journey again, the only way we can fail is if we give up. Don't give up. Feel free to add me!
  • Dmeg85
    Dmeg85 Posts: 10
    request sent:)
  • leahrummo
    leahrummo Posts: 9
    Looking for new friends for support! Feel free to add! :)
  • You can totally do this!!! I am also looking for new friends for motivation and support! I am starting out at 205lbs and looking to get down to around 120lbs. Ive tried MFP before and I got lazy and gained a lot back and then ended up quitting (after 8 months of hard work!!) = (
  • BostonBill99
    BostonBill99 Posts: 28 Member
    I have walked in your shoes and continue to march...LOL Add me, Michelle. Happy to help.

  • Hello, My name is Seneatria bryant and I am with you. I weigh 273 right now and I'm trying to lose 100 pds. I am trying myp for the second time and hoping that with support I can stick to. I have had 3 children and decided im not having anymore so its time to get my body back!
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    I can completely relate to losing a lot of weight and then gaining it all back! It's happened to a few times in the past 10 years or so :) I have begun to get myself back on track, started around mid- May and have lost about 12.5 lbs so far. I tend to get a little bit lazy with the exercise and have to constantly remind myself of the goal I am working towards. Life circumstances can certainly alter eating and exercise habits, but with a focused mind and support from others on this site, I know we can get back where we want to be :) I definitely need encouragement! Would love to add ya as a friend, i'll send u a request :)
  • koehler26
    koehler26 Posts: 1 Member
    You've got this! It is never easy once you put it back on knowing you were already where you wanted to be. The same thing has happened to me.. over and over and over again. It's the worst roller coaster of life! So frustrating! We can do it together!

    Please add me, I haven't quite figured that one out yet...