crfeen Posts: 85 Member
Hey guys,
I've been having horrible stomach problems for about a month now. After seeing a doctor, it has become clear that I have celiac (a gluten allergy) and lactose intolerance. These are the WORST, considering my favorite foods pretty much all contain one or the other. On top of this, I am slightly allergic to soy.

I need some fun things to try making, as now, I think rather than losing weight, i need to focus on my diet and just making myself feel better. Please help.

Also if you or a family member of yours is either gluten, dairy free or both, please give me some advice! I constantly feel hungry and nauseous at the same time and sometimes all I want is a nice egg and cheese sandwich on a bagel :(


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Get a second doctor to corroborate, too many doctors jump in with the trendy answers, like celiac.

    I personally avoid grains due to how they make me feel, I replace them with veg, which is what you'll need to learn to do. Just replace with options that you can eat.
  • crfeen
    crfeen Posts: 85 Member
    I definitely do have celiac though. I was not at all surprised by that answer as it runs in my family on both sides and I throw up pretty much every time I eat gluten. The lactose intolerance did surprise me though!!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Luckily, because so many people seem to have some kind of gluten intolerance, whether real or not, the suppliers saw a demand for the products and there are many gluten free breads, pastas, flour, etc. Unfortunately, cheese is something not as easily replaced. Daiya is not a good replacement in my opinion, but is an option for cheese.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Have they done blood tests/ biopsy to confirm coeliacs as it not a gluten allergy but an auto immune disorder and can cause lots of different problems? I would consider having your doctor run these tests before going gluten free.

    I'm also gluten fee, dairy and soya free among a few others things so feel free to add me if you want to have a glance at my diary. I would also speak to your doc about a good multi vitamin/mineral as it is common to suffer with deficiencies - both down to the diet and damage caused by coeliacs. There is also a gluten free board on here.

    PS dairy intolerance is common with coeliacs but sometimes once the gut has healed it can be reintroduced.
  • crfeen
    crfeen Posts: 85 Member
    I did get blood tests done, however on Wednesday I plan on going in for a second opinion, and to check and make sure it isn't some type of colitis. I am feeling better in the week I have been off gluten and the few days I have been off dairy. I like a lot of gluten free substitutes like quinoa pasta and stuff, dairy however, I cannot find a good substitute for (cheese particularly). I like almond milk a lot, but I love cheese and I'm very sad to give it up.
  • chamberlain3
    chamberlain3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I hope everything works out for you and you are able to feel better soon! I have Celiac- was diagnosed 11 years ago. One thing I learned was to focus more on things that are naturally gluten free, mainly in an attempt to save money on expensive products. Feel free to add me as a friend-- I'd be happy to share ideas with you. Good luck!
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Just search 'Lactose free cheese' and you get tons of options. Lactaid has also been a popular brand for the lactose intolerant for decades.

    Here's a snippet:

    Also, if you need a butter substitute, you can try Ghee. It can be pricey at the store but you can make your own pretty easy.

    There are lots of almond and coconut flowers out there. Since Paleo is still a big thing, there are lots of options that have come out of the wood works for supply and demand.
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Not sure what you like to eat, but I used to love sandwiches. Now that I can't have gluten one of my favorite things to do is get all the "insides" of the sandwich together, but instead of bread, I'll either use a collard green leaf or just turn it into a salad. Salads and different flavors of hummus are my favorite things to make. Still experimenting with different flours for desserts, like almond, coconut, brown rice and tapioca flour, almond meal... It's a little intimidating lol, but fun
  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    I have an absolute tonne of allergies (including the ones you have) so feel free to add me if you want any support/advice
    There are many many options out there for gluten free now since people think its some miraculous way to lose weight (for once fad diets have a benefit) and many lactose free or non dairy alternatives. I really do think youll be completely fine. Of all the allergies to have those are the ones that are the most manageable. Good luck!
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    I have a friend with Celiac, and I made her a delicious lemon cake with Betty Crocker's All Purpose Gluten free flour. Just an fyi - cakes are possible. :) (Delicious in that she hadn't had lemon cake since her diagnosis, and it was really, really lemony, and moist, and delicious. And I might have gone a little overboard on the lemon juice in the cake, and the glaze... but it was worth it.) Also: Weigh your flour- the Betty Crocker gluten free was more fine, and I don't think it would have measured quite right if I'd gone for volume instead of weight.
  • DarbiB
    DarbiB Posts: 88 Member
    Don't despair about the dairy-free/soy thing. I have an allergy to caesin, which is functionally the same as being lactose. And most people are somewhat allergic to soy. It doesn't mean you need to cut it out entirely, just don't overcorrect your lack of dairy with too many soy products. Mix it up!

    There's Diya cheese, almond milk "yogurt", soy sour cream, almond/coconut/soy coffee creamer, coco whipped cream, almond/soy/coconut ice cream as well.