Plastic surgery after 195-pound loss

I lost 195 pounds in the last 2 years without surgery. Lots of skin hanging everywhere... I have an appointment tomorrow with a surgeon to get information and opinion (and price) for my particular case.

Any suggestions about what I should ( or must) check for and ask? Have you done or consider plastic surgery yourself? Happy with results? Consequences?


  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Hi Suzanne - thought I'd be first to answer your post.
    I would ask about his personal experience with cases like yours and if possible, see before and after photographs.
    My G/F in Texas had post weight loss surgery and spent a lot of time afterwards in compression garments. I'd ask whether that would be your case - she told me they were uber-uncomfortable and she had to wear them for three months in and out of bed.

    Apart from that, just the usual health-related questions particular to you - aftercare available and for what price, any after effects you can expect with the removal of so much skin and how long you will take to heal.

    All the best with your appointment. You have done amazingly well and deserve to feel good about yourself after all your efforts!