Back again, time to restart!

Hello Everyone! I have been apart of MFP (and not updated my profile) for a long time. I've had quite the success, having lost about 140lbs since joining. Well, I've gained. I got pregnant at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 with twins. Biggest blessing of my life. Due to medical issues with the twins while pregnant, I had to stop working out. I had a csection with them and couldn't work out for a while after them. I did meet with my trainer and started losing weight afterwards, but mother's guilt caught up to me and I stopped.. and I stopped watching what I was eating. I'm only down now about -113lbs total from my heaviest weight. Sad that I'm going to have to lose all that weight again. :( Such is life. I know I did this to myself.

The net is that I've gained weight, I've lost muscle, and I feel/look terrible. I've also gotten away from the healthy life style I was living that included daily gym trips or some sort of exercise and super healthy, clean eating. I have finally stopped breastfeeding (10 months with twins!), and am ready to reclaim my body! My gym was bought out and since having closed down, I have not gone to the new, much bigger gym (scary!?). Today is the day. I need friends that will motivate me, that will help me stay accountable, and understand the life of a mother, who works full time, and needs to change her life.

Here are some photos that I took just now (in the work bathroom, don't judge me!):


Hopefully, I'll get some new friends from this! The friends I have, like me, have seemed to drift away from MFP and aren't present or as active as they once were. I am so excited and determined to do this again! Let's go! :)


  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    OK- i can't get the photos to work. :( But, I made them my profile picture so you can all see what I'm starting from.
  • TonyJamesL
    TonyJamesL Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! Congratulations on the birth of the twins! Please feel free to connect with me. I try to stay active on here. My wife and I have our first child on the way so I'm hoping to lose most of my excess weight by the time the baby arrives (January)!
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you tozyjay! anyone else? :)
  • I'm with you all the way!
  • ortivero
    ortivero Posts: 2 Member
    I just started too! But I have no good reason that I haven't been watching what I eat!! You had babies!!! I've just been LAZY!

    For me it's time. TIME TIME TIME! So like last night, I was chopping veggies and prepping breakfast for the week. It took me 4 HOURS! Who has the time for that!? BUT I gotta do it! :sad:
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 329 Member
    I accept all friends! The more the merrier! You can do this!
  • I know what you mean, ive been there (am there). Feel free to add me.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hey all...i will friend anyone and im always happy to accept, so feel free to add. If not good luck on your got this
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm kind of restarting my self. Its time to change my life style and get healthy. I need to lose about 100 lbs
  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    welcome sarah/congrats on the babies/ I am just starting my journey or getting up off the bench where i have been resting. I have 100 lbs to lose. I have a ymca ,ship/ but I do tapes at home and walk everyday. I like that better.
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    I'm new here. I started a Tumblr blog (TheFrugalFatass) to chronicle my journey to losing 50 lbs without paying for anything - gym membership, diet plans, apps, extra supplements. I want to show that weight loss is nothing fancy, just portion control and exercise.

    Congratulations on your twins!
  • mtmka
    mtmka Posts: 1 Member
    Looks like I am not the only one restarting. I too have been on MFP for a long time. When I was using it regularly it really worked! I am looking at losing the same 40 lbs I've been trying to lose for forever. Last time on MFP I never sought out friends to help keep me accountable, so this time I would like to add as many friends as I can to help me and for me to help them.
  • Fit4Life8
    Fit4Life8 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome Back! I am back again too and more determined than ever. Like you I am looking for people who are serious and committed to connect with along the journey. Congratulations on your little ones. LET'S DO IT CHICA!