Irish Mammy - need new friends to motivate


I was on this two years ago and lost 3 stone. Over the last year I was under a lot of stress in particular with my mother being extremely ill. Being an emotional eater I stuffed myself with bread and chocolate to try and push down the emotions but earlier this year I just thought to myself, hang on, you are killing yourself with food (diabetes runs in the family so apart from losing the wealth for myself, my GP also encourages it).

I lost 1.5 stone earlier in the year but just back from holidays and 7lbs back up! Back on MFP from today and would love to have a stone off by the time September swings around again. Anyone other Mammies out there in a similar situation and want to be friends?



  • mdunne1985
    mdunne1985 Posts: 15 Member
    I am totally in this with you 100%
    I have put on about a stone since April and just from eating things that I know I shouldn't eat. So joined the gym a couple of weeks ago and have been going 4 times per week so I'm happy with that. But I think I was eating more as I was exercising more so now it's time to do something about it.
    I'm aiming to eat as clean as I can but still have a life and treats if I want them.
  • Sue_Sunshine
    Sue_Sunshine Posts: 82 Member
    It's all about getting the balance right... I so need to do this for my health as much as anything else.

    Anyone else out there and wanna new buddy?