What's your excuse?

I just found this list of excuses and it made me smile. I am guilty of using several of them over the years.:embarassed:

Slow Metabolism * Genetically Cursed * Addicted to Almonds * I Buy Cookies for My Kids * I Just Can't * It's So Hard * It's Too Hard * My Husband Is Skinny & Eats A Lot & I Have to Eat with Him * I Don't Want to Insult the Host * I Am Stressed * Tired * My Illness Made Me Eat * The Rain Made Me Eat * I'm Depressed * I'm Bored * I'm Anxious * I'm Sad * I'm Happy * I'll Start On Monday * Start Tomorrow * I Love Food * Food Equals Love * Addicted * Can't Quit * Can't Give Up Chocolate * Food Is My Friend * Simply Not Inspired * Food Calms Me * Guilt * Member of the Clean-Plate Club * I'm Hungry * I Can't Exercise * It's the Drugs I'm Taking * I'm Peri-Menopausal * I'm Post Menopausal * I'm Pre-Pubescent * College Food * My Lifestyle Is Not Conducive * It's Winter * It's Summer * No Time for Exercise * No Time to Food Shop *Not Motivated * I Can't Afford to Eat Healthy * Can't Afford a Trainer * Can't Afford to Join a Program * I Just Can't Afford it * I'm Healthy for a Few Days But ... * I've Tried Before * I Always Fail * I Eat Out a Lot * It's My Birthday * Lots to Celebrate * Travel Makes It Impossible * I'm Trying * I'm Too Busy to Focus * Not a Good Time * I'm Injured * I Always Fall Off the Wagon * I'm Doomed * I'm Overwhelmed * Too Old * Too Young * I've Been This Weight My Whole Life *


  • Weeb2k
    Weeb2k Posts: 25
    Lol! We've all used most of those excuses before!
  • sweetestthing
    lol i love it!! so good.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I love big boned lol
  • iffytiffyy
    iffytiffyy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm too busy.....my husband likes it (LOL).....i still look good.....
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    -you just can't lose weight after 40, it's impossible, even eating a carrot makes you gain weight!
    -I only have half a thyroid.
    -I'm healthier than a lot of people out there.
    -I'm TRULY not fat (use this alot after visiting a water or theme park).