Not loosing inches

by Adpalangi1 , Today at 11:27 AM (0 Views)
followed the instructions the Venus ladies suggested or tried real hard to understand. Last few weeks I've got to the scale to be pleased with 1-2 lbs.
But disturbingly and no idea why, the inches have come down alittle, but then they go up more than what I started with, some, I measure myself once and then I have the same person every week measure me too, my first thought was I'm not measuring correctly.
I keep planning to do the wieght training, but just can't motivate myself to start. Is it possible I'm not loosing inches because of that, if so why am I loosing the wieght. I keep thinking the flab is still there and won't go anywhere til I lift, is this correct? Am I gonna end up with loose skin under my neck and stomach and elsewhere if I just do the diet?

Not complaining but would like to understand my body better. And if it's all because of the exercise, that should be in itself motivation.

Thanks Again, y'all are awesome.
