30 day shred anyone starting

I am starting 30 day shred tomorrow and looking for others who are also on level 1.

feel free to add


  • I started today. Feel free to message me, I need a partner!
  • johanna306
    johanna306 Posts: 20 Member
    The 30 Day Shred rocks! I also love Jillian's Ripped in 30. It follows the same format.

    I accept friend requests!
  • eirracz
    eirracz Posts: 4 Member
    You can do this. I did The 30 day Shred last year and was very pleased with the toning and results. I continued long after the 30 days and it continued to show results. Then was diagnosed with breast cancer and gained ALOT of weight going through the treatment process. I am ready to resume the task. Looking forward to keeping up with you.
  • catinkpin
    catinkpin Posts: 30 Member
    I am going to start tonight
  • cursivepulse
    cursivepulse Posts: 22 Member
    I plan on starting the first of the month (since there are 31 days next month it will be easier for me to keep track of days) but I just got a foot injury and can barely walk :/ hopefully I will be healed enough by then!! Good luck for all of you starting now!!
  • nikkim19781
    nikkim19781 Posts: 45 Member
    I actually plan on starting this tomorrow! I'm excited as I've heard nothing but good things about the program!

    I found this PIN that shows you how to go about the 30 days if you do not want to do all 30 days at once.

  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I just started today!

    Feel free to add me
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm starting this, bought the DVD at a yard sale last month and decided to get on it. The lady I bought it from didn't have any meal plans or schedules, so I'm looking online (thanks for the pin link nikkim19781!!) I wasn't sure if I could/should start it in the middle of the week as I was planning on starting it in the morning after I get off work (night shift worker here), but I see so many people on here started mid week, so it can't be too bad, right??? Feel free to add me!! I'm excited to start a new program with a schedule!! I tend to workout better/more consistently when I have a schedule to follow! I did Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire for a year, lost 33.6 lbs, but then got bored of the same workouts and got comfortable in my weight, and went and got lazy on my workouts in the last 8 months and now I gained back 18 of the 33.6 lbs I lost!! BOOO! So I'm excited to be on a schedule again and working out again!!

    Again, anyone feel free to add me! Maybe put in a message that you're adding for the 30 day shred so I know why some people are adding, lol. I've been getting some weird add requests lately!
  • I just finished my first workout. Here we go for the next 30 days!
  • I started last night, so far so good :)
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    Finished this program on Monday and really enjoyed it, well maybe with the exception of those pesky level 3 jump squats :grumble: - good luck everyone! :bigsmile:
  • kat2307
    kat2307 Posts: 8 Member
    Hiya :-)

    I am on day 1 as well and would love to have some 30DS buddies :-D

    Anyone alternating between RI 30 and 30 DS or other workouts? Or do you guys think its better to follow either RI30 or 30DS?
  • Lumphome
    Lumphome Posts: 4 Member
    I did this last year and lost 10lbs, felt loads better for it too. Unfortunately this year has been rotten and I've managed to fall into all my bad habits, working too much, eating and drinking too much and doing no exercise.

    I have been putting off starting again since the weather has been hot, hot, hot! This might help me stick to my promise to start again tomorrow!
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    It looks like I should have listened to my body. I was feeling sore but ok so I completed day 2 and felt proud that I was able to do more then day 1. However I should have listened to my body cause I end up pulling some muscles and now I am not just sore but in pain. So I have to take some time before I can do this again. Hoping by Monday I can start up again
  • vanilakitten
    vanilakitten Posts: 66 Member
    I'm starting today!

    Need some motivation to keep going because I ALWAYS tend to stop in between :(
  • MrsUptonOgood
    MrsUptonOgood Posts: 1,897 Member
    I started this past Sunday..today is day 6.......even got my husband doing it with me :) Thinking once I can do everything with 5lb weights, I will move up to level 2. Started out with 3lbs and now using 5 on everything except the anterior raises (I hate those)

    Feel free to friend me for motivation and support!!
  • jennyjackson90
    jennyjackson90 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I just started today. It was a bit hard, but going to continue. It will be good to talk to others who are doing it at the same time!
  • laurenkenzi
    laurenkenzi Posts: 3 Member
    im on level1 day 3 today... Very sore but going to push through! Needing motivation so I don't stop!
  • laurenkenzi
    laurenkenzi Posts: 3 Member
    Bump :drinker:
  • MELLY319
    MELLY319 Posts: 51 Member
    Will be starting the 30 Day Shred today. Feel free to add me.
  • NNora06
    NNora06 Posts: 28 Member
    Just started last week but will fall behind next week when I do not have access to the DVD. So by next week we will be at the same place! It does get easier day by day!
  • NNora06
    NNora06 Posts: 28 Member
    except the anterior raises (I hate those)

  • jquick25
    jquick25 Posts: 45
    just started it today and couldnt make it through the entire thing.. I thought i was gonna die my stomach started hurting. I had to stop for a few mins but fished. not proud that i had to stop but tom is another day. much harder than i thought it would be!!!
  • laurenkenzi
    laurenkenzi Posts: 3 Member
    Done the level one x2 today for day 3 for those who say about the dvd well I don't have my DVD player anymore so I use it from YouTube now lol. my stomache hurts a lot! But I guess that means its working, I stopped a few seconds here and there because I'm aching and I find the push ups and the bycyle crunches difficult ! Hopefully get easier with time as I'm not used to exercising AT ALL before I started the 30 day shred.

    also---- I find it hard to get motivated so to do so not only do I look at before/after pictures but I exercise in front of a mirror so as I'm wanting to give up I can see the changes I need to make to myself and it helps me push through
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Just started last week but will fall behind next week when I do not have access to the DVD. So by next week we will be at the same place! It does get easier day by day!

    If you have access to a computer, you won't have to fall behind--the entire series is on YouTube. :wink:
  • codylindseykaupp
    codylindseykaupp Posts: 2 Member
    Going to start the dvd level 1 tonight. Feel free to add me... I need a good kick in the pants. I am a professional in the health and fitness industry and can't seem to follow my own advice! Trying to walk the walk, not just talk the talk... and for all the ex-elite athletes out there... do not let it get away on you! Keep up the good habits, lose the bad ones!
  • shelia500
    shelia500 Posts: 1
    Thanks for that youtube info, didn't know about 30 day shred, will look it up. Really need some kind of guide...
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    Started on Saturday. I was so sore that I had to use yesterday as a rest day or I was nervous I was going to injure myself. I think I'm going to do this every other day and make sure to listen to my body. What a great workout, though. I didn't even know I had those muscles in my legs!!
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I am doing 30 DS and alternating with running and other JM DVD's.
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    i love 30 day shred but i doing it longer doing 60 day im on day 11 level 2 tomorrow