Need your honest feedback... Feeling disappointed!

Hey everyone!

I started working on my diet and losing weight from April 2014 when I realized if I don't do something it will get worse and worse... I wanted to wear nice dresses and be able to swim fast again and run and walk fast. I am 165 cm tall and I was 90.3 kg then and my goal is to become 60 kg. I gained weight few years ago because of some medication I was on and stopping gym and also getting into habit of eating fast food after I joined university. Before I gain weight I was always 68 kg which was not a perfect weight, but because I used to swim and go to gym I had a muscular body and nobody would believe I was 68 kilos. Anyways, I started eating healthy and clean since April 2014 and so far I have lost 7 kg (16 lbs). I have a very long way to become 60 kg . I feel disappointed sometimes. I don't have any gym or exercise partner... My husband is so busy and has no time for gym. Do you guys think losing 16 lbs in 4 months is a very poor progress? How did you do it? Also even though my size has become smaller and my pants are looser now, but I still have a chubby face! No change on my face.. :( Is that normal?Thanks!

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  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    Why is 1 pound a week a bad result? That's 52 pounds in a year, a year that you will live, fat, skinny or otherwise. If you give up now, 52 weeks down the road you can either be that much lighter, or be content with the path your'e on now. I'd be happy to have that sustained weight loss at points in my life. Don't stop doing what you're doing.that's great progress!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    First of all, congrats on the loss thus far! ANY loss is an accomplishment and you should be proud.

    As for the amount being good/not's hard to know without more info. How much of a deficit are you trying for? How much/little are you eating? Things like that make a difference.

    With the amount you have to lose, I would say 1-1.5 lbs/week is a good amount. So 16 pounds is actually pretty much right on target if that's what you're going for!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You've lost 1lb a week - that's fabulous!

    You just need to keep going. We often don't notice the change in ourselves until later on - don't give up :flowerforyou:
  • BusyBirdMommy
    It actually sounds like you are doing it the healthy way ... consistent and over time. I'm so sorry you feel disappointed - particularly because I want to CONGRATULATE you. You are sticking with it and THAT is so important (and so tough to do).
  • Water_Gal
    Water_Gal Posts: 52 Member
    1 pound a week is a very healthy rate to lose weight. Keep up the good work and eventually you will be able to see the results. I lost over 40 lbs before I could see the change in the mirror. The fact that you are noticing the change in the way your clothes fit already is a great sign!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    1 lbs a week is not a bad weight loss rate. I've lost about 1 - 1.5 a week since I started. Also, everybody loses weight differently and it is most noticeable in different places for everyone. My face has slimmed down, so have my arms and stomach, but my hips and thighs are still just as big as they were when I started. Eventually they will catch up with the rest of me, just like your face will. :) You're doing great, congratulations!
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Your are doing good! You have to be your own workout partner! Get on Youtube and try some exercises in your home, turn up some feel good music. You could also invest in some dumbbell weights and practice proper form and lift weights at home through YouTube tutorials. You are going in the right direction. Keep it up, and stop feeling down. You are making progress right?
  • Evilsha
    Evilsha Posts: 9 Member
    Keep up the great work. You will get to where you want to be in the long run.
  • martiniconqueso
    martiniconqueso Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the others here. One pound per week is a good, steady pace. You need to find yourself a routine - eating less, exercising more, all those lifestyle changes - that you can stick with for the long haul. If you race to drop those 30 kilos, you're more likely to revert back to the bad old habits and gain them right back.

    I'd lost much more than 16 pounds before anyone noticed, and now I'm 70 pounds lighter than when I started 13 months ago. Hang tough.
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    Your weight loss sounds very good to me, there are others on this site that would give anything to be in your position. I actually like working out by myself because I can get in my own zone and not feel like I am holding someone up when they are finished and I am not.
  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    Agreed, that's a nice healthy pace! Don't be discouraged, you're doing great. Keep at it and that 16 lbs will be 32 before you know it.
  • DaveDeLange
    Your old clothes are becoming slacker OP. That's great.

    If you are exercising, you will most likely be building/toning some muscle which adds weight. I wouldn't pay much attention to scales.

    Slow progress is good. You didn't put all that weight on overnight and you won't lose it overnight either. You are giving your body time to adjust and this can help avoid other problems like saggy skin.

    Your face will look slimmer with time. Everyone seems to be different in this regard - fat will diminish in different areas and at different rates.

    Keep up the good work. You don't want to go back to your old weight or even heavier, do you?
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    No 16lbs lost is definitely NOT poor progress. Wow, I mean that's a lb lost every week....and weight loss is never linear so maybe you have had times where there the scale shows no loss and then the next time double before. Developing patience (I know this sucks) will really help you in the long run.

    It took me around 2 years to lose all the weight I had put on I started at 126kgs and am now around the 50kg mark. I too put on the massive amount of weight from a starting point of 63kgs because of some heavy meds that knocked my metabolism out for the count and I compounded that by over eating as much food I could stuff in my very sad face.

    Please, please don't torment yourself with looking at how far you feel you have to any case every step brings you closer to the end and for me I did find some comfort in looking at a much bigger picture where the realisation that the weight didn't appear overnight and so it's not going to disappear quickly either.

    Try perhaps to remind yourself of just how far you have already come and those kgs lost believe your body, feet, heart and lungs thank you.

    All the best :flowerforyou:
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    IMO fast weight loss resulted in fast weight gain. 1 pound a week is perfect!
  • zibatarin
    zibatarin Posts: 7 Member
    Oh My God! You can't imagine how much I am touched by everyone's reply! I never thought to receive all these supportive and sincere messages... I am touched not only because of you telling me that I've done a good job or congratulated me.. I am touched to see that people DO care about others even when they don't know you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. And I will keep up my efforts and will for sure one day let you know that I have got rid of all 30 kilos! and healthy and ready for getting pregnant. :heart: :smile:
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    0-2 pounds a week is a healthy rate of weight loss, and I'd be pleased as punch to have that rate of weight loss!!

    As far as seeing it in your face, it'll come. One day, you'll look in the mirror and think "WHOA". Just like I'm sure is going on in the clothes area...getting "baggy pants".

    You're on a great path - keep up the good work!!
  • zibatarin
    zibatarin Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ! Thanks for taking time replying me. I feel more confident now. I was really thinking 1 lb per week is too slow. I think I am also developing other qualities like patience as I am striving to lose weight. Thanks a lot. your reply mean a lot to me.
  • zibatarin
    zibatarin Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you dear. I am blessed so much today to get everyone's support.
  • zibatarin
    zibatarin Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much. Your supports and kind words will stay with me always.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Why is 1 pound a week a bad result? That's 52 pounds in a year, a year that you will live, fat, skinny or otherwise. If you give up now, 52 weeks down the road you can either be that much lighter, or be content with the path your'e on now. I'd be happy to have that sustained weight loss at points in my life. Don't stop doing what you're doing.that's great progress!
