
Yesterday I weighed before surgery. This morning, around the same time I weighed and I've gained 8 lbs! My face is puffy too. I'm sure it's water weight and excess gas because I had a tubal done laproscopically. Has anyone experienced this? How long does it take to go down?


  • troll post??? come on. People swell from surgery. People retain water. Get off the scale for a few days and focus on healing. smh
  • tapparo61
    tapparo61 Posts: 2
    Someone isn't in a good mood this morning!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Of course you're swollen. The body's natural response to heal from a surgery (well wishes for recovery for you, BTW), combined with any saline drips or fluids given to you during surgery = extra water weight. It is necessary and perfectly healthy to have the extra bloat. It will go down naturally on it's own.

    Now, get to your recovery, and follow any Dr. orders you have received.:flowerforyou:
  • nikki412
    nikki412 Posts: 6 Member
    troll post??? come on. People swell from surgery. People retain water. Get off the scale for a few days and focus on healing. smh

    No. Not a troll. I've been a member since 2012. I have never had surgery, so I had no idea about the swelling. I had a baby 10 weeks ago and gained a ton. I've always been active and obsessive. During my pregnancy I had complications that made it where I couldn't work out, and my cravings were insane.

    Having lost 23 lbs and gain 11 back was devastating - especially when you are on pain meds and not thinking clearly : ). Luckily, within a week the weight did come back off.

    I was simply asking if one swells from surgery. You don't have to be rude.
  • nikki412
    nikki412 Posts: 6 Member
    Of course you're swollen. The body's natural response to heal from a surgery (well wishes for recovery for you, BTW), combined with any saline drips or fluids given to you during surgery = extra water weight. It is necessary and perfectly healthy to have the extra bloat. It will go down naturally on it's own.

    Now, get to your recovery, and follow any Dr. orders you have received.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you. I had no idea about the swelling. I have recovered nicely. I will (hopefully) get full medical release tomorrow at my check up.
  • haleigh29
    haleigh29 Posts: 70 Member
    With your surgery, you probably received 2 or more liters of IV fluids. Also your abdomen was filled with CO2 and the body's inflammation process related to the incisions sites is also to blame. It may take a little time, but I am sure that you will be back to
    your normal weight soon. Good luck, wishing you a quick healing..
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Surgery can be stressful on your body. Some swelling and retaining some fluid are normal. Don't stress out--it will just make the recovery process tougher on you both physically and emotionally. Try to stay off the scale and don't worry about your calories for a few days. Give your body all the rest and fuel it needs to heal. I hope you're feeling better soon.