Where are you, geek chicks?



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Everyone is a geek/nerd now a days... the better question is who isn't one? :laugh:
  • Hi, I'm 43 and looking for some friends. I have gained and lost thru out my life. We seem to have alot in common. Kind of geek and husband is a total geek! LOL! I am back of the MFP plan after straying and gaining back what I have lost. I need to get this right!
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely a Geek Chick here! Or as my bf calls me, The Nerd. I am a librarian with a love for super heroes, among other things :) Looking to lose around 80 lbs as well! Feel free to add me, anyone! I feel like there could be some seriously cool chicks in here :)
  • maireailbhe
    maireailbhe Posts: 19 Member
    *raises hand* Present!! :D
    I've got about 80 more pounds to lose, so you guys will be seeing me for quite a while yet. LOL!
    Used to do lots of RPs back when there were MUSHes. Grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek. And I'm a BtVS obsessive. I welcome new friends, so feel free to add me! :D
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Proud Whovian here - watching it every Friday night as a tween wearing a floppy hat & eating gummy bears (closest thing I could think of to jelly babies at the time :). My favorite is Sylvest McCoy - despite some of the horrible episodes they put him through he was a fantastic Doctor.

    Thanks to my Dad, I can proudly say I saw the first run of Star Wars IV 21 times in the theatre/drive-in at the tender age of 5. It _may_ have had an influence on my life :)

    Grew up on Tolkien, Bradbury, Asimov, L'Engle - seeing subdivisions with identical houses always makes me think of 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Currently a huge Jim Butcher/Dresden Files fan.

    Also a Supernatural fan :) ...and of probably everything else once I discover it.
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi there, I think that I may qualify as a geek. I love biochemistry and cellular biology. I also enjoy philosophy. I am a closet Star Wars fan, enjoy chess, and have a ravenous appetite for books in the genre of the Fantastic. Please feel free to add.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Love that all the die hard Whovian Brits chimed in on Capaldi. Makes me feel better. I just get worried when Moffat keeps pushing back the timeline. And yes Clara can go . Best Clara moment can be summed up in one word "Pond". But you have to remember the only experience Americans have with Capaldi is in Torchwood.Suggestions for Capaldi's other shows to get us primed ?
    Also Yes Katherine Tate although I could do with another season of teh Katherine Tate Show instead, ar-right?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Geek - check. Losing 80-100lbs for the umpteenth time - check. Friend away!!
  • Hi there!
    New to the site, hoping to loose about 20 lbs to get back to a healthy BMI.
    I am a def. a geek woman! Love gaming, I am a proud Trek-y/sci-fi finatic and Whovian (woot woot to all my fellow Whovians out there)
    have watched the Star Wars franchise at least....10 times and am a die hard fan of Tolkien.

    Looking for some friends who like the same things :)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    . But you have to remember the only experience Americans have with Capaldi is in Torchwood.Suggestions for Capaldi's other shows to get us primed ?
    He was in DW - the dad in Fires of Pompeii.
    You can watch The Thick of It on Hulu - warning: lots of profanity, as in mostly with a few normal words thrown in now & then.
    They do make some DW refs :)
    Also World War Z is on Netflix and Capaldi is in it as a W.H.O. Doctor. Disappointing movie if you've read the book but okay if you consider them completely unrelated.
    You can check out his imdb for more - he's been in loads of stuff.
  • jhilhan
    jhilhan Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to my Dad, I can proudly say I saw the first run of Star Wars IV 21 times in the theatre/drive-in at the tender age of 5. It _may_ have had an influence on my life :)

    Grew up on Tolkien, Bradbury, Asimov, L'Engle - seeing subdivisions with identical houses always makes me think of 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Currently a huge Jim Butcher/Dresden Files fan.
  • jhilhan
    jhilhan Posts: 9 Member
    <3 Dresden files!

    I was 7 years old when the original Star Wars came out. I have lost count of how many times we saw it at the drive in that summer. I know we payed to see it at least 10 times. My mom would park us at the IBM parking lot right behind the drive in and watch it for free for nights in a row. The speakers were so loud you could hear it. It was cheaper than babysitting fees.
  • Im a geek too, please add me. Need to lose 70 pounds.
  • WhootieCutie
    WhootieCutie Posts: 4 Member
    Pretty geeky girl over here.

    I know how you feel about losing and gaining it all back. I mean I only lost 40 lbs that one time, but I'm trying to start over again.

    Nice to meet you, I'm Brittany.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm in. I am big into sailormoon, comic books, comic book movies, Classic Disney, playstation.
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    Big geek over here.

    I have a Computer Science Degree, work as an IT Tech and love working with computers.

    Big Sci Fi fan, love too many to list, but they include Star Trek, Firefly, Stargate, Doctor Who etc Love other stuff like Game of Thrones and Breaking bad as well.

    Am a Gamer, mainly PC and Xbox.

    Anyone feel free to add me. I'm on here all the time and try to support as best as I can
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i was a nerd long before it was cool

    in my profile pic i am wearing pants that look like space from a high powered telescope. which my son made me buy. because science.

    we spend at least 50% of our days discussing which part of the human anatomy most resembles the function of various things. like busses and skyscrapers and construction sites.

    i was a nerd when i was young by default of my weirdness... but as an adult its getting out of hand. i watched star trek the net generation today. wore my outer space pants all day. with my mismatched shoes. and bought a hula skirt at the dollar store.

    i fear that i will soon start wearing cat ears. but no. i resist.

    my favorite writer used to be philip k **** until he started depressing me too much.

    but come to think of it i am more of an eccentric than a nerd or geek. i mean... i am extremely right brained. my left might not even work at all actually.

    edited because they censored philip k d i c k s name
  • amzypritchard
    amzypritchard Posts: 44 Member
    Yes I prefer David Tennant to Matt Smith and am deeply concerned about Peter Capaldi.

    Tennant is also my favourite. I am knida meh on Matt Smith, although there were some amazing episodes during his time. (Sorry, I just do not understand fish sticks and custard.) I LOVED John Hurt and wish we could have seen more of him! For some reason I have all this faith that Capaldi will be excellent. I hope I am not disappointed! Any other Whovians care to chime in?

    I have complete faith in Capaldi! He's amazing in The Thick of It as Malcolm Tucker (watch it if you haven't)

    I also love SPN, Harry Potter and the IT Crowd!!

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    But you have to remember the only experience Americans have with Capaldi is in Torchwood.Suggestions for Capaldi's other shows to get us primed ?

    Agreeing with the Thick Of It recommendation! Really amazing show - lots of swearing though. Also, I hear he chews the scenery amazingly in the Musketeers.
  • drewba13
    drewba13 Posts: 47 Member
    Fellow geeks, feel free to add.