Help, stop my sweet tooth!

johnsonc1977 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Any ideas on how to stop the sweet cravings?


  • I always feel like I have to have SOMETHING sweet before I go to bed. I know it's a bad thing, but I have always been that way. Sooo, I still do. I just don't have much. I buy those 100 calorie packs of cookies. They aren't the real deal, but they are still pretty tasty, and they won't ruin your day of eating healthy!
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    Eating high protein low carb in th morning works for me. I read somewhere that whatever you give your body in the morning is what it expects all day. Therefor, if you eat a bowl of cereal with milk, but them try to stick with lower carb the rest of the day your body will crave those carbs. There is something to this because I started experimenting with it a week ago, and I don't have the norml cravings. In fact I am usually satisfied with less food too. Good Luck.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I opt for Options hot chocolate or the equivalent. A mug only has 40 calories, and it satisfies both my sweet tooth and my craving for a comforting hot drink before bedtime.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    Have a small tootsie roll midgie for the chocolate cravings.

    Chew a piece of the Extra Dessert flavored gums. You can taste the strawberry shortcake as you chew it away.

    For the crunchy craving, have some air-popped popcorn.
  • sherilynn65
    sherilynn65 Posts: 26 Member
    i buy thosse skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, they are 140 calories so i always have one about an hour or so before i go to bed, i like the strawberry shortcake ones lol. good luck and trust me you arent the only one out there with a sweet tooth
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    I keep EXTRA DARK chocolate on hand...bars of it or the extra dark Lindor Truffles. Milk chocolate is just sweet and makes you crave another piece, but dark chocolate can be savored and one piece will do it:) YUM. Just eat it slowly and let it melt in your mouth.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    The reality is that sugar is addictive. The more you have the more you want. Some people have a higher tolerance than others. If you really want to stop the cravings then you need to cut it out of your diet almost entirely. This can also include refined carbs like crackers and pretzels as well. The withdrawels are pretty tough but eventually they go away.

    If you have a higher tolerance that you can have a little bit without craving more than I suggest things like Hershey kisses or snack size candy bars. They can offer just a little treat without opening an entire candy bar or have you facing a whole cake, pan of cookies, etc. I find that York Peppermint Patties are really helpful. They have a really strong flavor so one mini patty is about 50 calories and pretty satisfying.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Gum, Gum, and more Gum. I have always loved chewing gum and now they have all kinds of sugar free gums that taste like fruit or desserts (Extra has a ton of flavors and cheaper than some other brands). If you have a sugar craving pop in a piece of gum; I found that it really helps me. I have a bunch of different flavors so I don’t get bored with any one of them. On average a piece of gum is 5 calories but I don’t usually count them because I feel I chew away least 5 calories worth :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    So glad it isn't just me! For me the time of day for my cravings is NOW! early mid afternoon. UGH! I have a home daycare so it is so easy to just go get something. I too try to keep the 100 cal packs of things on hand, kisses, anything wrapped singly and small. M&Ms don't work unles it is the snack size pack. I also keep the Slow Churned ice creams in the freezer as well as SKinny Cow, Weigh Watchers, popsicles, fudgicles,... Things that aren't horrible! I also always ahve nuts of some sort around to satisfy that crunch I want too or to get the sweet and salty mix.
    I don't cut out the junk food I crave. I know I will just wind up on a binge with it down the road. I allow myself the daily goof and accept it as part of my daily diet. The hot chocolate is a great idea someone mentioned, especially if you live where it is chilly. Should ahve done that a few minutes ago instead of the kisses,.... OH WELL!!
    Also, on the days I burn lots of calories, I reward myslef with the extra scoop of icecream or something sinful but not too over the top.
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