Calories burned by strength exercises

Since I'm partly in weight loss mode, as well as trying to bulk up, using exercise to 'buy' MFP calories is quite important for me at the moment! Obviously doing cardio 'buys' these calories, but I'm also trying to do quite a bit of strength working out at the moment, to bulk up in other areas.

My question is: how can I find out what calories the strength exercises burn? MFP doesn't give a calorie value to bench press, leg curls, squats etc, but surely they *do* burn calories, as I'm exhausted and sweating at the end of them! Would be good to be able to factor in those calories to my log, so I can eat more correctly too.


  • Iljkmittaa
    Iljkmittaa Posts: 20 Member
    MFP has " strength training" in the exercise database so you can check out that. But if you're interested in combining strength training and cardio, search for Billy Blank's "tae bo cardio sculpt" on youtube. I do that quite often and it's amazing.