Belly Fat - low carbs diet

Hi all,

I've recently started a low carb diet with the aim of losing the small bit of belly fat that I have. I'm not "fat" myself, I have quite thin arms and legs, normal BMI and my recent waist to hip ratio was apparently 'not bad'.

Still, I do have a bit of a belly (I've noticed shirts I'm wearing are a bit tighter, I can see my belly poking out a bit more in some clothes) and would like to get rid of it. I know you can't pick and choose where the fat goes from... but there we go. Is a low carb diet what I need?

I'm thinking (although I'm aiming to eat less than 25g of carbs for a week or two) I don't need to be so drastic, I very recently would drink 2-3 cans of coke a day, tea with 4 sugars, LOTS of unhealthy food and despite all that and the gained belly (which isn't huge), I only weigh 62kg.

What are your thoughts? Aim for 25gs of carbs for a week or so then bump that up (with limits, i.e. not lots of coke but a can here and there) or try something else?



  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    Just stop eating junk & exercise. No need to cut anything but your calories and maybe salts. I just learned that, myself. :P
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Bad news - crashing carbs won't change a thing!
    There is no quick fix - it will take you more than 2 weeks to get that belly off and by crashing carbs it won;t make it any faster!
    Just consider one point - how long has it taken you to get that belly out?
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    Calories wise I'm not actually too bad (OK, well, aside from the nights I may pop to McDonalds :P).

    I can get rid of the junk food (*cries* coke *cries*) and planning on joining my local gym.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Calories wise I'm not actually too bad (OK, well, aside from the nights I may pop to McDonalds :P).

    I can get rid of the junk food (*cries* coke *cries*) and planning on joining my local gym.

    if your belly is getting bigger that suggests you arent ok calorie wise!
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    Bad news - crashing carbs won't change a thing!
    There is no quick fix - it will take you more than 2 weeks to get that belly off and by crashing carbs it won;t make it any faster!
    Just consider one point - how long has it taken you to get that belly out?

    Hmmmm, probably a good several months (6 if not more). It's not increased massively but slowly over time.

    Not really aiming to lose the entire thing in 2 weeks, was looking to kick start it then maintain the losing of it by not eating so much junk or fast food, cutting out the coke (going from 2-3 cans a day down to like, 1 a week, if that).
  • SlaughterHouseFive
    SlaughterHouseFive Posts: 24 Member
    If you consume less calories then you use in day then you should lose weight. I keep my protein high to maintain muscle mass and that means energy will come from fat stores.
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs?

    It's so confusing as every other diet website etc says different things (some says less carbs are the best and don't worry so much about the calories, other says definitely calories). Don't know where to begin heh (aside from getting rid of the junk food!)
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs?

    It's so confusing as every other diet website etc says different things (some says less carbs are the best and don't worry so much about the calories, other says definitely calories). Don't know where to begin heh (aside from getting rid of the junk food!)

    I spent the last hour looking into the low carb thing. Nutritionists have studies that upwards of 78% of low carb dieters can not retain that lifestyle/foods choice. Apparently low carbs have a lot to do with why people binge. Your brain thinks you're being starved of something so makes you go after it. Look up stuff like 'why low carb doesn't work' and you'll find good explanations.
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs?

    It's so confusing as every other diet website etc says different things (some says less carbs are the best and don't worry so much about the calories, other says definitely calories). Don't know where to begin heh (aside from getting rid of the junk food!)

    I spent the last hour looking into the low carb thing. Nutritionists have studies that upwards of 78% of low carb dieters can not retain that lifestyle/foods choice. Apparently low carbs have a lot to do with why people binge. Your brain thinks you're being starved of something so makes you go after it. Look up stuff like 'why low carb doesn't work' and you'll find good explanations.

    Well thanks for your help :) I'll do some more googling and basically aim to cut calories and just exercise.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    fwiw, my husband used to drink at least 3 or more cans of sprite a day....he stopped and switched to all water and basically dropped 30lbs in about a month or so. he incorporated a core workout routine he does most mornings and he really flattened out his abdominals. he also stopped eating any candy or anything, but normal food as regular (he has a pretty healthy diet so for him it was all the soda and occasional snickers and sour patch kids). he does eat skinny cow ice cream bars most nites etc, so he hasn't cut out ALL sugar but down a great deal.
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs?

    It's so confusing as every other diet website etc says different things (some says less carbs are the best and don't worry so much about the calories, other says definitely calories). Don't know where to begin heh (aside from getting rid of the junk food!)

    I spent the last hour looking into the low carb thing. Nutritionists have studies that upwards of 78% of low carb dieters can not retain that lifestyle/foods choice. Apparently low carbs have a lot to do with why people binge. Your brain thinks you're being starved of something so makes you go after it. Look up stuff like 'why low carb doesn't work' and you'll find good explanations.

    Well thanks for your help :) I'll do some more googling and basically aim to cut calories and just exercise.

    No problem. This is all very new to me & there are many contradictory articles. Try to follow what you think will work for you. Just be healthy & happy. :)
  • Stephen318
    Stephen318 Posts: 19 Member
    I believe IMO the best is to eat clean and do a 40-40-20 split
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You can't spot reduce in a single area and you certainly can't do it witH a magic diet of cutting one type of food out.

    You need to lower your body fat percentage if you want to lose your stomach excess. That means a SMALL calorie deficit, lots of protein and progressive strength training to preserve muscle so that you're losing g a higher percentage of fat over lean body mass. It's the slow way to do things, but it's the most effective and pretty much the only way to really recomposition your body.
  • SlaughterHouseFive
    SlaughterHouseFive Posts: 24 Member
    So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs?

    Yes it's science. The Laws of Thermodynamics. You cannot create energy out of nothing. The body will have to burn fat stores to make up the shortfall. It can burn muscle mass but if you keep protein high and/or strength train then you shouldn't loose any muscle mass.
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    Out of curiosity. I see you are a 25 year old male. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    I'm 5'8" and 62kgs.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Out of curiosity. I see you are a 25 year old male. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    I'm 5'8" and 62kgs.
    Yea, pretty much as I suspected.

    I'm sorry but I'm not sure losing weight is the solution to your problems. You are already hovering underweight. If you've got some sort of body image issues then it might be best to go speak to someone.

    This ^^^

    I was small at 5'8" 170. You should be worrying about eating at maintenance and lifting as heavy as you can.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member

    Not supporting this or bashing it- Went to my knee surgeon and he said this book was a good read and might help me lose the few pounds I want to lose before my surgery-

    Again, just something to look at
  • _f1d_
    _f1d_ Posts: 7
    Out of curiosity. I see you are a 25 year old male. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    I'm 5'8" and 62kgs.
    Yea, pretty much as I suspected.

    I'm sorry but I'm not sure losing weight is the solution to your problems. You are already hovering underweight. If you've got some sort of body image issues then it might be best to go speak to someone.

    Ok, so, the belly is normal? Or that I could be thinking it is bigger than normal when really it is fine?

    I can understand that, will definitely perhaps go speak to my doctor to see what they think and can advise, but I do know that it has gotten a bit bigger (and this is reflected in shirts being a bit tighter around that area etc). That said, yeah my BMI is about 21 which I believe is totally normal for my size.

    Thanks for your advice so far.