what is your favorite healthy sweet treat?



  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    I just discovered Yoplait Whips chocolate rasberry. OMG yum! Great frozen treat.

    Also I like a fudgsicle from time to time... low fat & only 60 calories! And of course, lots of strawberries and blueberries!

    What are your favorites?

    Yoplait Whips? what are those? they sound yummy!!! I like Weight Watchers Chocolate Raspberry Popsicle :)

    Its yogurt!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I have the BEST!

    1 chocolate Vitamuffin (warmed in microwave) + a few tablespoons of Free Cool Whip + fresh berries = heaven!

    I also tried Hunts Snack Pack Blueberry Muffin pudding today and it was AMAZING! tastes like batter! mmm

    That sounds DELISH!!

    I break 1 chocolate graham cracker sheet in half, put a bit of fat free cool whip in it like a sandwich, then freeze it. It is so delish for an evening snack and is only 85 cals for one!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Frozen berries with a little light whipped cream
  • mmmary201
    I really like Quacker carmel corn rice cakes. 50 calories each (I usually eat 2) and are sweet and crunchy...and very satisfying until the next meal.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Frozen berries with a little light whipped cream

    Mint Chocolate Chip Extra gum.
  • bren1969
    bren1969 Posts: 24 Member
    These are great ideas! I am really into grapefruit right now. I'll have to think of some other sweet treats, so far I havent had any "sweet" cravings yet, but I am sure I will! I will refer back to these great ideas!

    Thanks for the topic!
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    banana popsicles
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I love two graham crackers with frozen cool whip in between or yogurt with blueberries.

  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I love two graham crackers with frozen cool whip in between or yogurt with blueberries and
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    I have the BEST!

    1 chocolate Vitamuffin (warmed in microwave) + a few tablespoons of Free Cool Whip + fresh berries = heaven!

    I also tried Hunts Snack Pack Blueberry Muffin pudding today and it was AMAZING! tastes like batter! mmm

    That sounds DELISH!!

    I break 1 chocolate graham cracker sheet in half, put a bit of fat free cool whip in it like a sandwich, then freeze it. It is so delish for an evening snack and is only 85 cals for one!

    YUM! I have to try this. <3 me some graham crackers!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    lately when I have a sweet craving I eat fresh fruit-apples, banana. If its after a work out I make milk chocolate using 2% milk. I love the Skinny Cow chocolate truffle bar--only 100 calories and great for chocolate cravings :)
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    At Sam's I found 2 frozen treats I love. They have these ICEE pops (30 for like $8) in green apple, cherry, and blue raspberry. 70 calories for a tube! And then I fell in love with these Chunks O Fruti bars -- the pina colda and pineapple are delish! 4 different flavors (16 or 20 in a box) for like $8 as well-- and most are 100 calories (one flavor maybe 120 cals).....totally cures my sweet tooth!
  • bowmin05
    My favorite sweet treat is a homemade smoothie! I use fresh strawberries, fresh mango, ice, a little splenda and a splash of the Tropicana light sugarfree orangeade!! It's yuuummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!
  • hiltonheadagain
    A lot of great ideas. Can't wait to try some. The Clif Kid ZBar in chocolate brownie is great at only 130 calories. And when quantitiy is needed, I go for the Fage 0% fat Greek Yogurt (from Costco), 1 cup plus frozen berries in a blender with a pack of stevia is so good and filling.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I like to take two salt free plain rice cakes and put natural PB and bananas on top, it takes two to use up all of the banana plus I spread the PB thin. It is so yummy!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Tis is not exactly a "sweet treat" but it is what I eat when I am craving sweet.........I LOVE FUJI APPLES! It has to be Fuji and it has to be cold from the fridge! Love it.