Can i get a food diary critique?

I am trying to cut, currently sitting at 95kg. I play soccer at a good level so i need to be not depleted completely. I carb up friday nights before a big game to account for this diet usually, and i have a decent breakfast saturday morning, cheat meal saturday night. so this is my diet sunday through friday lunchtime basically.

Im fairly strong at the moment, im in the 1000lb club for lifting in terms of my big three lifts. Im not worried about losing strength because i know it wont take me long to gain it back when i reach my goal. Im 95kg now but i would like to be 80kg before I go away in january, because when i get back in march winter will be starting here and i can clean bulk my little heart out until summer rolls around again.


  • castiel1337
    Looking thick, solid, tight etc.

    Food diary looks really good as far as I'm concerned. Getting 200g protein in <2000kcal is pretty tough but you still manage it so well done on that part.
    Maybe get some fruit in there? But anyway, looks nice, keep us updated on your progress with any pics or videos.

    PS: you can put two pics in one imgur album, makes it easier to view.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    This is less of a performance and cutting issue, and more of an overall health question. How's your poo? I'm asking because I'm surprised that you aren't getting more fiber, given you're eating a hearty portion of carbs every day. Do you have IBS or anything that makes fiber tough to handle? I could be spouting old wives tales, but I have people in my family who succumbed to colon cancer. Whole grains and complex carbs were recommended to me to keep the pipes healthy (but I know this advice isn't blanket advice).
  • michaelread
    michaelread Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Castiel, yeah cutting is rough but im determined to keep as much muscle as possible.

    WBB55, I was JUST googling this....haha. I'm about 2 weeks into this diet now and, well, its been different in the bathroom department to say the least. Im finding its not as easy a job as usual and its a fair bit more solid.

    As far as the carbs I eat go, I really get what's given to me and whats readily available. Im very active in terms of work, I work full time, study full time, and volunteer a bunch too, as well as play sport. I pretty much just eat whatever is in the kitchen, but make sure I have a lot of chicken and steak on hand to hit my protein macro (important to me as I want to preserve muscle)

    Ive been googling, but I guess here is a good spot to put the question - If I cant get good fibre in my diet the way it is now (the way it is/carbs are now keeps me sane, really) does anyone have any experience or reccomendations of a fibre supplement?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Well normally, people get fiber thru their grain/carbs and fruit/vegies. This is just a suggestion, you don't have to go overboard with more fiber, since it can be rough if you add too much too suddenly. (and these are just my thoughts. Do what works FOR YOU)

    -Switch from white bread to a bread where the first ingredient is "100% whole grain x" (that's what the labels say in the U.S., I'm not too sure what they say where you're at)
    -Add a tablespoon of flax meal to your protein shakes and smoothies and anything like yogurt
    -eat high fiber fruit (including skin, if edible) and vegies, maybe avocado. Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas.
    -eat a high fiber breakfast cereal. Here in the U.S. we have brands like All-bran.

    Add a supplement if you want. But it's better, IMHO, to get it from food
    Edit to add: and maybe drink more water?