5 things your mfp pals don't know about you



  • grandmama1945
    grandmama1945 Posts: 12 Member
    I am a Southern lady
    Started my battle with the bulge in my 50's
    I am a great grandmother
    I love our RV
    am turned off by people who think they are above me:smile:
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    1. I won a contest to have dinner with a well-known celebrity
    2. I want to move to Charlotte, NC
    3. My daughter was crowned baby Mass for 2 years straight (she's now 17)
    4. My son is 6'4" and he's only 15
    5. Delante West lived right above me for 1 year
  • tz92
    tz92 Posts: 14
    1. I have a super warped view of myself. When I was 17, I weighed 145-150 at 5'3", with a ton of muscle mass so I looked much smaller. I thought I was morbidly obese at that weight. It's something I struggle with daily but I'm making progress.

    2. It's almost impossible for me to trust people.

    3. I enjoy listening to people tell stories about their past. Whether the story is good or bad, interesting or not, it gives me a window to see into how the person views themselves, and what they've taken from the situation.

    4. I feel like I belong to a very rare breed of people who are such night owls that we prefer working the graveyard shift. I recently transitioned back to first shift after four months on nights and I'm hating the new schedule.

    5. I was raised Christian, but have completely turned my back on organized religion. I still think there's some kind of design at work, but I don't think it's a man in the sky.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    1. Although I've visited most U.S. states I have never set foot in California
    2. I think 90% (maybe more) of home décor is extremely tacky.
    3. Summer is my favorite season even when temps are in the 90s-100s (F)
    4. I don't like candles.
    5. My local shopping mall and library are 2 of my favorite places, but mainly due to nostalgia (have been going to both for 30+ years)
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    1) I went 2 for 5 off of Ben McDonald

    2) I've been to more countries than I have states

    3) I'm a World of Warcraft junkie

    4) I collect baseball cards.....still

    5) I went to high school with Dave Fortman (guitarist in Ugly Kid Joe, now music producer for bands such as Evanescence and Godsmack)
  • alicia0412
    alicia0412 Posts: 165 Member
    1.) I have a phobia of chickens

    2.) I'm in college studying sociology and criminal justice

    3.) October is my absolute favorite month, and if I could spend my life in a perpetual October I would be perfectly happy

    4.) I've been chased by a bull before

    5.) St. Augustine, Florida is (probably) my favorite place in the United States
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    5) I went to high school with Dave Fortman (guitarist in Ugly Kid Joe, now music producer for bands such as Evanescence and Godsmack)

    Pretty cool! I went to high school with Nascar driver Jamie McMurray and rode the bus with Aaron Buerge (the second Bachelor on the reality series)

    One of my childhood babysitters is the founder of PetFinder, too (Betsy Banks)
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    1. I tap my visor when going under a yellow light so I don't get a ticket
    2. trailers and vans give me the creeps
    3. I'm infatuated with serial killers and violent crimes
    4. I really like myself
    5. Dreams once a week or so of walking through room after room in a house that never ends
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    1. I won a contest to have dinner with a well-known celebrity
    2. I want to move to Charlotte, NC
    3. My daughter was crowned baby Mass for 2 years straight (she's now 17)
    4. My son is 6'4" and he's only 15
    5. Delante West lived right above me for 1 year

    #2-How was that? I tried getting my mom into one for George Clooney but she didn't get picked or whatever.....
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    5) I went to high school with Dave Fortman (guitarist in Ugly Kid Joe, now music producer for bands such as Evanescence and Godsmack)

    Pretty cool! I went to high school with Nascar driver Jamie McMurray and rode the bus with Aaron Buerge (the second Bachelor on the reality series)

    One of my childhood babysitters is the founder of PetFinder, too (Betsy Banks)

    Dave was in a local band during high school, and the drummer for that bad was giving me drum lessons. Since I had a pick-up truck, I used to carry their equipment around to their shows and help them setup. My claim to fame! :laugh:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    3. I'm infatuated with serial killers and violent crimes

    My wife is like this. "The A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers" is like her bible and she watches all those FBI & true crime types of shows. Needless to say, I sleep with one eye open. :laugh:
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    1.) I'm horribly afraid of dragonflies. I had one leg eggs in a cut on my arm when I was 3 and didn't know until it had healed over and they hatched.

    2.) I speak conversational french and no spanish even though i'm 1/2 mexican.

    3.) I'm almost legally blind in 1 eye and the second isn't far behind.

    4.) I hate avocado, fish, and nuts. Don't like the taste or texture of avocado or fish, and nuts make me crazy thirsty.

    5.) I use to be a professional ballerina.
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    1. I love lists
    2. I am making soup right now
    3. I have two term papers to finish as this is the last week of summer school
    4. I used a hypnosis app to quit smoking and use a weight loss one on occasion
    5. I love music - Gloria is one of my favorite PTti Smith cover songs
  • bbardwell0916
    bbardwell0916 Posts: 33 Member
    1: I was a police officer in the Navy
    2: I love Cosplaying and run my own group
    3: Criminal Minds is my favorite show closely followed by House
    4: I met my husband while shooting him in Laser Tag
    5: I favorite phrase is, "Reach for the moon, this way even if you fall short, you'll still be within the stars"
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    1: I was a police officer in the Navy

    I love SP....they always used to give me a ride back to the ship when the locals got tired of us. :laugh:
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    1. Moths scare the bejezus out of me
    2. I tattooed my own foot after drinking 2 bottles of wine - yes it looks ****
    3. I can't touch my feet when they're wet
    4. I used to be a total stoner
    5. I'm a pretty good artist - even though I do say so myself
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    1. I'm not really a cat
    2. I hate social gatherings/parties/large crowds/etc.
    3. I speak fluent Portuguese
    4. I have one older brother (8 years older than me)
    5. I have been to Portugal and France and around Canada but have never travelled to the US
    6. I have been in the Eiffel Tower. I was 5 years old and only remember bits and pieces of it.
    7. I am terrified of spiders, especially the big hairy ones
    8. I am a creature of habit...I don't like change
    9. I love The Food Network and home renovation shows.
    10.I LOVE Christmas and I go overboard when decorating my house. I get excited when the Christmas decorations start coming out in the stores. I buy more and more crap every year and have no where to put it.

    Edited to add 5 more as I am bored this morning.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    1. I volunteer a lot: Board member of local HOA, Vestry at church, donate blood, make sack lunches and take them to homeless downtown, do special guest classes on earth sciences in the local elementary and middle schools.
    2. I made my own telescopes in college - ground the mirrors, polished them and made the scope; 8-inch diameter was my biggest.
    3. I lead catered camp-outs to do star parties at night, and hikes to interesting locations the next day.
    4. I designed and built a 4,200-gallon cistern for under our driveway.
    5. I like to cook and make stuff in the kitchen.
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    1. Moths scare the bejezus out of me

    I thought I was the only one!! My friends make fun of me for it :laugh:
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    1. When I was a little girl I wanted to grow up to be a professional bride!
    2. I was only ever married once.....(and divorced)....guess my childhood dream wasn't the best idea for me after all!
    3. I used to be a competitive gymnast
    4. I love to cook
    5. I'm jealous of my older brother for all of his success (and I feel terrible about being jealous!)