How much to exercise when you're maintaining?

Hi all,

Not trying to lose - trying to maintain and up my calories from around 1400- 1600 to 2k+ as I don't want to lose anymore weight!

While losing, I was exercising 6 times per week roughly with a mix of cardio and strength training (with my own body weight and light weights). Now that I am looking to maintain weight, how much do people typically workout? It will be nice to have more time again! I want to start lifting heavier weights but I don't currently have a gym membership but I do have 8lb dumbbells and 20lb dumbbells at home along with a stability ball.

I'm looking right now at doing 2 days of arms and 2 days of legs with 2 short HIIT sessions or sprint sessions per week. I think my body was overtrained and stressed when I was dieting so I've been giving myself a break from that. I've also started reintroducing foods I demonized unnecessarily before while dieting like dairy and starchs/grains. Feels really good to be able to have cream in coffee again and things like English muffins!

Any insights or advice is awesome :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I work out the same amount of time as I did when I was losing.

    5-6x a week..probably more now...

    I lift 3x a week heavy, cardio (bike/walk/HIIT) 2-3 maybe even 4x a week depends on my energy levels.

    That being said my lifting I changed from 5x5 to 3x5 so that saved 1.5hours a week but with that extra time I go for walks or extra bike rides and include HIIT in them usually.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    There are countless health benefits associated with exercising, it is much more than just a methodology for losing weight, so I’m not sure why you would limit your exercise once you reached maintenance.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Now that I am looking to maintain weight, how much do people typically workout?
    6 days a week, the same as when I was losing weight. I didn't exercise to lose weight - I did it (and still do it) to get stronger, fitter, healthier and because I enjoy it.
  • dazedandconfused87
    There are countless health benefits associated with exercising, it is much more than just a methodology for losing weight, so I’m not sure why you would limit your exercise once you reached maintenance.

    Because when I was exercising everyday sometimes twice a day on a restricted calorie intake, I overdid it and burned myself out. I needed to give my body a break because I felt constantly achy and I wasn't allowing for enough rest. I don't dispute the mental and physical benefits of exercise, however even if you're doing something healthy for your body, it can veer into unhealthy territory if you aren't fueling properly or are becoming obsessive, which I found I was towards the end.
  • dazedandconfused87
    How many cals per day do you eat to maintain?
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Because when I was exercising everyday sometimes twice a day on a restricted calorie intake, I overdid it and burned myself out. I needed to give my body a break because I felt constantly achy and I wasn't allowing for enough rest. I don't dispute the mental and physical benefits of exercise, however even if you're doing something healthy for your body, it can veer into unhealthy territory if you aren't fueling properly or are becoming obsessive, which I found I was towards the end.

    Well yeah, if you're putting too much stress on your body, obviously you need to chill it out.

    I personally intend on working out about as much as I do now, so 4-6x a week? I guess for you, figure out your base maintenance calories, figure out how much exercise feels good on your body and tweak from there.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Lift heavy 4 days a week. Do 1-4 hours of cardio 5-7 days a week. Hasn't changed at all. I actually work out more now then when I was dropping.
  • thyme4
    thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
    So for the past month, I have not been exercising at the same level that I was while losing. Not so much by choice, just due to circumstances including work related travel. While I still do walk at least 5 miles/day, my other workouts pretty much fell off the schedule as I was adjusting to my new routines.

    As a result, I recalculated my TDEE based on the adjusted workouts and have been eating (and maintaining) at that level.

    I DO plan to resume lifting and additional cardio now that I have adjusted to the other schedule changes, and will recalculate my TDEE accordingly. But I have to say it was a relief to realize that I could maintain even when taking a break from a much higher activity level.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    It really depends on your goals. Even two years into it, I struggle with exercise motivation and maintenance as I can easily adjust food intake to make up for lack of exercise. I've found I do better when I have specific fitness goals such as running X miles in a month or being able to cover a particular distance in a particular time by a particular date. Working toward something using those fitness goals motivates me to workout more than just a general desire to be "fit" or "healthy."

    That said, in addition to general walking, stairs, etc. throughout the course of the day, if I'm not training for anything in particular, I try to work out for a half hour (T25 or short run) at least 3 days during the work week with a longer run/strength combo (60-90 minutes total) on at least one weekend day.
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    Actually I think I am exercising more now that I am maintaining than when I was on a weight loss plan. I do not have consistent access to a gym, - at the moment 3x1 hour gym sessions a week 50 cardio/50% weights plus 11,000 steps per day. When I have no gym then kettlebell work 3x week and power walk 3x week. plus 11,000 steps every day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Your weight control is all about energy balance...this is largely controlled via consumption. Exercise is for fitness. The more exercise you do and the more active you are, the more energy (calories) are required to maintain.

    You should let your fitness goals determine your workouts and determine how much you should be doing and then eat according to that level of activity. This is true regardless of your weight control goals.

    I actually workout more now in maintenance than I ever did when I was dieting for the simple fact that with increased calories comes increased energy and the ability to really start crushing it where fitness is concerned. I eat accordingly to maintain. Right now I'm not training for anything, just working out to maintain my fitness....I eat around 2800 - 3000 calories. When I'm actually training I take in anywhere from 3200 for an easier training day to 4000 calories on a long ride day or a two-a-day or something.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi all,

    Not trying to lose - trying to maintain and up my calories from around 1400- 1600 to 2k+ as I don't want to lose anymore weight!

    While losing, I was exercising 6 times per week roughly with a mix of cardio and strength training (with my own body weight and light weights). Now that I am looking to maintain weight, how much do people typically workout? It will be nice to have more time again! I want to start lifting heavier weights but I don't currently have a gym membership but I do have 8lb dumbbells and 20lb dumbbells at home along with a stability ball.

    I'm looking right now at doing 2 days of arms and 2 days of legs with 2 short HIIT sessions or sprint sessions per week. I think my body was overtrained and stressed when I was dieting so I've been giving myself a break from that. I've also started reintroducing foods I demonized unnecessarily before while dieting like dairy and starchs/grains. Feels really good to be able to have cream in coffee again and things like English muffins!

    Any insights or advice is awesome :)

    I maintained for 4 months by just reducing the amount of cardio (5x per week to 3 x per week) I did while eating the same. It's a lifestyle change not a "I reached my goal now go back to everything I use to do and quit the gym", your going to end up going back to the way you use to be with that mindset. (not saying you are just sounds that way)
  • Odinisgod
    Odinisgod Posts: 46 Member
    Don't reduce time spent exercising, trade out some cardio for strength training, and increase calories to maintain.
  • dazedandconfused87
    Don't reduce time spent exercising, trade out some cardio for strength training, and increase calories to maintain.

    Yup, that's what I've done. I've ditched cardio for the time being and have moved to upper and lower body strength training.
  • dazedandconfused87
    Hi all,

    Not trying to lose - trying to maintain and up my calories from around 1400- 1600 to 2k+ as I don't want to lose anymore weight!

    While losing, I was exercising 6 times per week roughly with a mix of cardio and strength training (with my own body weight and light weights). Now that I am looking to maintain weight, how much do people typically workout? It will be nice to have more time again! I want to start lifting heavier weights but I don't currently have a gym membership but I do have 8lb dumbbells and 20lb dumbbells at home along with a stability ball.

    I'm looking right now at doing 2 days of arms and 2 days of legs with 2 short HIIT sessions or sprint sessions per week. I think my body was overtrained and stressed when I was dieting so I've been giving myself a break from that. I've also started reintroducing foods I demonized unnecessarily before while dieting like dairy and starchs/grains. Feels really good to be able to have cream in coffee again and things like English muffins!

    Any insights or advice is awesome :)

    I maintained for 4 months by just reducing the amount of cardio (5x per week to 3 x per week) I did while eating the same. It's a lifestyle change not a "I reached my goal now go back to everything I use to do and quit the gym", your going to end up going back to the way you use to be with that mindset. (not saying you are just sounds that way)

    Thanks! That's what I was hoping to hear. I love being active and I lam not looking to go back to bad habits -- just was a bit nervous about increasing calories to maintenance and exercising less but I need to lessen it to a degree since when I was so focused on losing, other areas of my life suffered. I am happy at my weight now and if anything just want to increase strength and composition without sacrificing family and friend time
  • dazedandconfused87
    Your weight control is all about energy balance...this is largely controlled via consumption. Exercise is for fitness. The more exercise you do and the more active you are, the more energy (calories) are required to maintain.

    You should let your fitness goals determine your workouts and determine how much you should be doing and then eat according to that level of activity. This is true regardless of your weight control goals.

    I actually workout more now in maintenance than I ever did when I was dieting for the simple fact that with increased calories comes increased energy and the ability to really start crushing it where fitness is concerned. I eat accordingly to maintain. Right now I'm not training for anything, just working out to maintain my fitness....I eat around 2800 - 3000 calories. When I'm actually training I take in anywhere from 3200 for an easier training day to 4000 calories on a long ride day or a two-a-day or something.

    That's a very great point. I was so used to exercising on limited calories and not eating most of them back so I'm not really sure what my body will be able to do with this increased energy. It'll be interesting to see! I really do love running outdoors but I've taken a bit of a break because my body was aching and so tired on the lower calories. It will be really nice to resume and see how much faster I can be. I'm also excited to EAT MORE :) It is just moreso me trying to get used to eating larger quantities and without having a deficit at the end of the day.

    I am also excited to see how much stronger I can get. I did bodyweight and calisthenic exercises a lot and now with 8 lb weights, some arm work I've been doing is a STRUGGLE. I'm hoping to move up to 15 lb dumbbells before the end of the summer :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well if I exercise less, I'm pretty much eating at maintenance now. My deficit is pretty much the exercise I'm doing (just a tad more). So if I want to be able to eat more, I'll have to keep exercising.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Without exercise, I'll eat around 2K/day.

    Any exercise I do, I put in MFP and eat back.

    The only exercise I really do is walking. I try to hit 10K steps/day. Sometimes I hit 20K. Sometimes more. That's what I did when I was losing and that's what I do to maintain.

    However, now I'm trying to slowly add some additional exercises to tone up. My body looks MEH. But still, you don't really need to workout to maintain.
  • vickymva
    vickymva Posts: 46 Member
    Without exercise, I'll eat around 2K/day.

    Any exercise I do, I put in MFP and eat back.

    The only exercise I really do is walking. I try to hit 10K steps/day. Sometimes I hit 20K. Sometimes more. That's what I did when I was losing and that's what I do to maintain.

    However, now I'm trying to slowly add some additional exercises to tone up. My body looks MEH. But still, you don't really need to workout to maintain.
  • vickymva
    vickymva Posts: 46 Member
    Without exercise, I'll eat around 2K/day.

    Any exercise I do, I put in MFP and eat back.

    The only exercise I really do is walking. I try to hit 10K steps/day. Sometimes I hit 20K. Sometimes more. That's what I did when I was losing and that's what I do to maintain.

    However, now I'm trying to slowly add some additional exercises to tone up. My body looks MEH. But still, you don't really need to workout to maintain.

    How much time do you have to spend walking do you spend to make the 20 000 step mark? :-)