Seeking fitness friends

Hi all! I've been using myfitnesspal for about a month now and I am looking for some new friends to help motivate me along my journey! Please feel free to add me :).


  • Manders0808
    Manders0808 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been trying to get back into the swing of things with My Fitness Pal also and would love some new friends. I'll send you a request. :)
  • Thank you for the add :)!!
  • YAY COUSIN!! <3
  • bellesjem
    bellesjem Posts: 1

    This is my first time posting to the boards and I logged on with the intention of seeking some help and motivation with my weight loss goals. I've been using MFP for sometime now off and on but never seem to make much progress with it. I am planning on starting again and am going to try a few things differently. I would love to join you!
  • Cousin!!!! Will you be my friend? Oh wait :). bellesjem friend request sent!
  • AngusCody22
    AngusCody22 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, best wishes to a great start! It always helps to have support!
  • Cousin!!!! Will you be my friend? Oh wait :). bellesjem friend request sent!

    ABSOWOOTLEY! lol I LOOVE that we are both doing this!!