Exercise w/Ankle Injury

Any tips for exercising with an ankle injury? I CAN walk on it, but I pay for it dearly the next day through front ankle pain and an inability to flex it.

Prior to the injury acting up again I was walking a mile, doing four miles on the stationary bike, and starting to add the elliptical and light weight training.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I would follow the advice of your doctor.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Pain is your body's way of telling you to chill. Depending on what the injury is, i'd say stay off of it and only do exercises that don't use it until you see your doctor and figure out the prognosis.

    Any upper body workouts are good, abs, upper leg stuff like extensions and curls...anything that doesnt cause your ankle to flex or impact. The row machine is good cardio...swimming...
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    Stop worrying about working out and take care of the problem. Pain is definitely your body's way of telling you to stop what you're doing. Depending on how long you've had the pain, you should probably have it looked at. If you keep pushing yourself you're risking serious injury and delays in your fitness progress. On the other hand, if you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.
  • psychoangel2u
    Sorry, I should have clarified. This isn't a workout related injury. I rolled my ankle badly back in Oct. and thought that it healed fine. It clearly didn't. I've been told that it's likely a tendon issue and that it needs to be 'retrained' to work properly. I tend to wrap it up when it's at it's worst, along with elevating it with ice. I go easy when it's too painful, but I'm looking for workouts that I can do that have less risk of further aggravating it since it's going to be an ongoing issue.