Hey All!

Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina, and I've started on a really awesome, epic journey towards being healthier! OwO So let me tell you a little about myself. I'm 29 years old, and married. I have no children...just a spoiled, rotten cat...a spoiled, rotten 6 year old little brother, and a spoiled, rotten manchild :laugh: I drive a school bus for a living, and I am a huge, HUGE nerd. I love books. I love fantasy stuff. I love all types of music. I love making myself look pretty :blushing: and I love going to the bar and shooting pool and hanging out with my friends. :drinker:

As far as my health goes, I'm 5'3, 307 lbs. I have Hypothyroidism, and sleep apnea, also have some estrogen / progesterone imbalances. I just VERY recently quit smoking and got diagnosed with the sleep apnea / got my cpap machine, and I feel SO much better and SO energetic now! :laugh: I'm looking to start losing weight though because since I've gotten past, oh, I'd say about 26, I just keep gaining and it's ALLLLLLL going towards my stomach. I didn't really feel "fat" until I broke 250 lbs and I feel fat. And it doesn't matter how cute your outfit is, or how nice your hair is...It's VERY hard to look good in clothes when you're 300 lbs and it feels like 200 of it is stomach.

Anyways, I thought that it might be nice to have some people to talk to that also want to lose weight. My husband and family are all big too, but I'm the only one not comfortable in my skin, however, I think that as long as YOU'RE comfortable with YOU, you're beautiful <3<3<3

So, well, howdy!


  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    Howdy back and welcome to Myfitnesspal!
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello and welcome. Please feel to add meI started on MFP June 2014 with 100+ lbs to lose.
  • twiggyiamnot
    Very nice to see you - I too just joined and like you, I feel like my belly is huge, and the worst part of being as fat as I am. This is the only place I feel comfortable talking about my weight. Good luck, and may you find all the encouragement in the world!!
  • sunnysteph0420
    sunnysteph0420 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there,
    Welcome to MFP.Ive been here a over a year and no matter what crazy diets I have tried and believe me Ive done a lot Weight Watchers, low carb, low fat just to name a few counting calories is the only thing that has truly worked for me ,and MFP has made it easy. Feel free to add me if you want and good luck on your weight loss journey!