Seemed easier the first time.....

Im Valerie I was originally on here in January to March and then i slowly gave up on my goals due to lack of visual results. I was weighting myself naked once a week always at the same time right after waking up in the morning and the scale showed great results however i was only losing water weight (over 20lbs actually) which ultimately made me give up on my goals. I was also taking weekly pics of every angle of my body in the mirror being careful to always capture the same shot from week to week to see any visual difference which after a whole month I could not... I started not logging in everyday and then eventually 2 days of not logging turned into a week and then a month and by that time I had just completely forgotten about it and gave up. Fast forward to last week, here I am 25lbs heavier than I was the last time I came on here and those three months of hard work were just gone in a snap. All the effort I had put in to lose the 20lbs and gaining it all back was effortless... Now i am back and I am determined to reach my goal because losing weight and gaining it all back is one thing.. But whats worse is realizing all those days of hard work to get you there are gone and lost and meaningless now. And it was all undone without any effort.

But this isnt exactly what my post is about... I just wanted to give you a little background into my story and to explain why I am back. The first time I was here I had an amazing support group of friends that would keep up with me and keep in touch, unfortunately I have lost all those friends as my account has been deleted and this time, I feel the support of friends is lacking alot. Maybe theres a small like of a status here and there but thats about it.... I feel as though its harder this time to make friends and get the support I need to get through the day... Im not sure why... my goals havent changed, I would just appreciate some friends that will be here along the way. My goals are all listed in my profile. Please take a look and if you find we have similar goals or you feel we would offer great support to each other, please add me. Also please note that I am not writing this post just to have more friends on my friendlist. I am looking for honest and continuous support from my group. I dont really care if thats one person or if its 20. As long as there is continuous support from both of us.. :)


  • xxval21xx
    xxval21xx Posts: 74 Member
    Im Valerie I was originally on here in January to March and then i slowly gave up on my goals due to lack of visual results. I was weighting myself naked once a week always at the same time right after waking up in the morning and the scale showed great results however i was only losing water weight (over 20lbs actually) which ultimately made me give up on my goals. I was also taking weekly pics of every angle of my body in the mirror being careful to always capture the same shot from week to week to see any visual difference which after a whole month I could not... I started not logging in everyday and then eventually 2 days of not logging turned into a week and then a month and by that time I had just completely forgotten about it and gave up. Fast forward to last week, here I am 25lbs heavier than I was the last time I came on here and those three months of hard work were just gone in a snap. All the effort I had put in to lose the 20lbs and gaining it all back was effortless... Now i am back and I am determined to reach my goal because losing weight and gaining it all back is one thing.. But whats worse is realizing all those days of hard work to get you there are gone and lost and meaningless now. And it was all undone without any effort.

    But this isnt exactly what my post is about... I just wanted to give you a little background into my story and to explain why I am back. The first time I was here I had an amazing support group of friends that would keep up with me and keep in touch, unfortunately I have lost all those friends as my account has been deleted and this time, I feel the support of friends is lacking alot. Maybe theres a small like of a status here and there but thats about it.... I feel as though its harder this time to make friends and get the support I need to get through the day... Im not sure why... my goals havent changed, I would just appreciate some friends that will be here along the way. My goals are all listed in my profile. Please take a look and if you find we have similar goals or you feel we would offer great support to each other, please add me. Also please note that I am not writing this post just to have more friends on my friendlist. I am looking for honest and continuous support from my group. I dont really care if thats one person or if its 20. As long as there is continuous support from both of us.. :)
  • xxval21xx
    xxval21xx Posts: 74 Member
    Wish someone would answer this post..
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Hey thanks for bumping it up to the top again! I'm in a support group through Facebook that has really helped keep me motivated. It has several hundred people working out various programs (working out at home, going to a gym, running marathons, etc) so there's always someone posting something. We don't require that you purchase any products from us to be added and we don't try to sell you stuff once you're in. We just focus on helping our teams get the best results they can for how they want to exercise. Our current group has ~500 people in there, all trying to improve themselves and support each other. We have small groups for accountability and live team broadcasts via YouTube.

    Sent you a friend req, let me know if you're interested or have more questions. Either way, make the life changing decisions today and hope you can stick with them for good!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Are you losing weight strictly for appearances or health? If for appearances, please realize that many people, once they reach their goal, can still be unhappy. Also, people notoriously judge themselves more harshly than others. I would suggest focusing less on appearance and other measures of improvement. For example, are you able to lift heavier weights? Run longer? Is your body comp better? You get the idea.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    fwiw, you probably didn't lose 20LBS of "just water".

    Best of luck on your journey. Don't give up.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    >> however i was only losing water weight

    This is an odd comment. What makes you say that? And why does it matter?

    Actually the body is about 60% water anyway. So I'm thinking fat cells are mostly water too. So lose the water weight, yeah - keep going.

    The motivation has to be from you - I can't stuff you full of motivation! Your profile-declared motivation seems pretty clear and usable. Set your goal HIGHER (to a lower weight). It's going to take a while, but 1-2# per week is very do-able.

    Is hunger a problem?

    Forgot to mention - sedentary activity is not a problem. Hard work is not even relevant. If you log everything daily, is that hard work? I would say no. Use the phone app and the website, log on the toilet or in line, it takes only a little time and attention. Losing is fun, anyway.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    hey there, i agree with some of the other comments above, but i can identify with "coming back". November 2012-October 2012 i lost 50-55lbs both with MFP and with a lot of exercise and hard work. I injured my knee, and couldnt do the work outs i had been doing, got lazy, fast forward to last July and had knee surgery, and here i am, more or less back where i started from, but i am back on track now! If you need a new friend for support and motivation, feel free to request me!
  • Hi, I am new to this site but am eager to lose about 57 lbs. I lost 30 lbs 3 years ago just by stopping my coffee and Pepsi intake and walking 3-5 miles in a 1 hour period, 5 times a week. I lost this weight in only 6 weeks. I was sedentary before this and also drank about 3 32 oz cups of soda per day. I know that's a lot! I think I was successful because I also did not weight myself at all. Not until someone commented on my weight loss and so I got curious.:laugh: Id love to be a friend of your and we can motivate each other. I have not started working out yet. I'm working out the details of childcare so that I can go to the gym. Wanting to get out of the house was a big motivator. I've gained only 10 lbs back so I'm happy about that. I think what is also motivating me to want to lose is all the new clothing trends that are coming out now and the other women at work wearing cool high heels. At my weight that isn't possible now.