Hardest thing to give up or cut back on....?



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Coffee & milk chocolate (am still allowed to occasionally eat dark chocolate eating paleo)
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    Umm everything? Seriously though, I am not trying to deprive myself right now. But I have been getting better at not having the junk as often as I used to. I was drinking 2-3 diet sodas with a regular soda thrown in now and then...A DAY. Now I drink at most one soda a week.

    I love sweets, so I have to use a lot of self control to not eat as many.
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    PIZZA :frown:
  • wish2bsmall
    wish2bsmall Posts: 16 Member
    Potato chips, eating at night, and anything with peanut butter! :tongue:
    I used to be a sucker for wine and cheese (brie was my favorite) but I recently became a vegan so it's become a lot easier to abstain.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    cheese ...I love pasta and pasta has to have cheese :D
    Rice..it is a Caribbean staple and it is very hard to eat anywhere without rice
  • Chocolate
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I would have to say my sugar for my coffee in the morning, I have recently switch to Splenda which isn't so bad but every now and again I will use regular sugar. Wine is a problem for me, but I try to only have 1 or 2 small glasses in the evening a girl can't live off water alone! LOL
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Alcohol, Cheese & Homemade Desserts!

    Moderation.................. :wink:
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Well for most of my favorites, I've learned to alter them so that I can still enjoy them. For instance, I love love LOVE chips and salsa. I've learned to make my own salsa all from fresh ingredients so I know its VERY low in sodium.....and I found chips that are ZERO sodium and 140 cal/12 chips. So when I want chips and salsa I count out those chips and include it in my day. That's just ONE example, I've learned to work in many of the things I love, just in a healthier way. Oh but there is one that just can't be worked in as it is utterly sinful..........

    cheese fries......dipped in ranch dip........oooooooooooh how I miss you!
  • eating a massive amount of crappy food when I am in the mood to eat a massive amount of food.
  • i love good buttery, salty popcorn and sweets. have done pretty good staying away from those
  • Coca Cola and sweet tea...I have always kinda drank my calories. But so far so good...Really kinda getting used to green tea
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Sauvignon blanc

    Stop it stop it!!! You're making my mouth water!!!!
  • The HEAVENLY COMBO of carbs (bread or pasta), dairy (cheeeeesy), More carbs/sodium (pasta sauce) and protein (sausage/beef/chicken) all in one sinful meal
  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    Mountain Dew *sigh*
  • Definitely WINE & CHEESE!!! Both are so, so bad and high in calories, but both are soooooooo yummo!!
  • Cooking with cream. That's going to be hard, being a foodie.

    And pizza, which for me means no sauce but a TON of cheese. (Which I cheated with yesterday. A lot.)

    I guess I don't really feel like I'm giving up that much otherwise. But that could be because I refuse to completely give up Coke Zero.
  • misste
    misste Posts: 20 Member
    chocolate and soda (not together)
  • embym
    embym Posts: 65
    Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!! x_x
  • sugar for sure!
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