Spinning classes.

Marbar Posts: 15
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Today I went to the gym and tried a spinning class for the first time. I think I am in love. I hate bike riding outside but I think I love spinning. Does anyone know how many days a week I could do a spinning class. I already am doing a bootcamp on Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, Wednesday mornings and Saturday mornings. The bootcamp is an hour of intensity! Your opinions are welcome.


  • flyinmomof3
    flyinmomof3 Posts: 44 Member
    I do spin 3-4 times a week. I also do strength training 3-6 times a week, I feel fine doing both, but you may want to start out just doing 1-2 a week then adding more in. Are they 30 minute spin classes or 1 hour. That makes a difference too.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I've been doing a spinning class too! I fell in love with it. My class is 90 minutes long though! The last half hour is tough to get through. I'd say the same thing. Start out slow then add more in. You are already doing a couple of days of bootcamp too. Don't forget to give yourself a rest day : )
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I do spinning between 3-5 times a week among other stuff like running, strength training etc.

    It's non impact, so as long as your bike set up is fine and you don't do silly things like standing climbs on too low resistance etc, then you should be fine doing it as often as you like. :smile:
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I love spinning too!!! Unfortunately I can't afford a membership right now but I can't wait to start again. I used to go on average 3 times a week :)
  • princesshoagie
    princesshoagie Posts: 34 Member
    Ugh, I tried spinning but that tiny little seat hurt my butt soooo much that I had to quit. Any tips for getting over that? I went to 6 different classes with 3 different trainers but it just hurt way too much. Plus my legs started going numb halfway through the class which sucked too. Maybe spinning just isn't for me
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ugh, I tried spinning but that tiny little seat hurt my butt soooo much that I had to quit. Any tips for getting over that? I went to 6 different classes with 3 different trainers but it just hurt way too much. Plus my legs started going numb halfway through the class which sucked too. Maybe spinning just isn't for me

    Some people will tell you to get padded shorts or gel pads for the saddle.... I am a big believer that "less is more"... The more often you'll do it you'll just get used to it.

    Improving your leg strength & core strength will also help you to "hang" in the saddle less but have the strength to stand in the pedals more and allow your core to lift you out of the saddle a little.

    Furthermore you need to have a certain amount of resistance in the pedals to give you that little lift out of the saddle. I see many people in spinning using too little resistance and bouncing up and down on the saddle, which obviously leads to discomfort.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    My butt hurts today too. Its my first spin class in 3 weeks.

    My usual routine is 2 to 3 times a week (1 hour classes). I find after a few classes the pain goes away and you get used to the seat.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    I'm going through preseason football (soccer) training and our new coach had us all go to a Spin Class tonight. I was a little unsure when I first heard, but then my wifey told me how intense they were................ she was right!

    It was a 45 minute session and it had all us lads sweating buckets, I had a pool of sweat & detox under where I was sitting. Great session and exactly what I needed, hopefully we can squeeze in a few more of these as part of our regular season training!!
  • I spin 3 times a week, run 4 days a week, swim 3 days a week, yoga once a week and strength train 4 days a week. Spin is amazing, I absolutely love it!!!!! It kicks my butt every time and whats great is you can go at your own pace and what you are able to do. My spin instructors are tough and its awesome =)
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Thats a pretty intense training regime!!

    I try and box 3 times a week and Football (Soccer) Training twice a week (with competitive game on the weekend). After my first taste of Spin Classes, if I had the time I'd try and add that to my schedule.............. but I doubt I could fit it in!!
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I do spinning 3-4 times a week and try to go to the gym at least one additional time and use a cardio machine (CrossRamp or elliptical).

    My one recommendation: if you're going to do spin regularly, invest in a pair of biking shorts/capris. The padding will save you!!
  • jen03003
    jen03003 Posts: 3 Member
    Your butt will get used to the feeling of the seat if you do spinning consistently one or more times a week...although I have heard that the shorts make a huge difference (I couldn't stand wearing them myself). One thing I wish someone told me when I first started spinning: BUY SPIN SHOES!!!! These make an ENORMOUS difference in the workout and seem to help with the foot numbness. Also, I was doing spinning everyday at one point without spin shoes and it felt like my arches were collapsing. Even if you only go once a week but you plan on keeping spin a part of your workout, then you should invest in spin shoes. Good luck!
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I love it too. My gym, probably like most of them, has the class in a black painted room with dance floor lights. So that is a nice change for me. So far I only do it on Wednesday mornings, and strength training the rest of the week. But, I can relate top people falling in love with it.. For me it's great cardio.
  • I spin 3 times a week, run 4 days a week, swim 3 days a week, yoga once a week and strength train 4 days a week. Spin is amazing, I absolutely love it!!!!! It kicks my butt every time and whats great is you can go at your own pace and what you are able to do. My spin instructors are tough and its awesome =)

    WOW! nice job.

    and the way everyone is commenting on spin class it's really making me wish that I was taking one! I don't have a gym membership though, I wonder if i can find -just a class- somewhere.

    If anyone knows about one (near Baltimore Maryland) give me a heads up please!
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    If I'm being honest,I always thought it was a session more catered towards woman (mainly because my wife and her friends all went and those that attended at the gyms Ive been too were majority female). However, I now realise that its not that Spin Classes are for woman, but simply that woman are smarter than men and figured out how good a calorie burn spin class is!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I find whenever my gym does a long spin (between 1 & a half and 2 & a half hours long) the men start going. The hour long classes tend to get more women.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Having just witnessed my wife give birth then I can vouch for the fact that woman have more stamina and endurance than any man I have met, so that explains all us blokes avoiding spin classes! Ha Ha
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