New to Myfitnesspal and looking to support and be supported

Went to the doctor and he asked if we could talk about my weight. I am a strong person but started crying. As we discussed, he told me (nicely and not as bluntly as I put it here) that I was verbally abused but it is time to get over it. Very emotional day and decided no more... Time to lose weight. That was 7 weeks ago - my goal is to lose 1 pound a week so far down 14. I lost 5 last week so I am nervous about next week - thinking some will come back and I will be disappointed. Found this app on Sunday and feel it will help me. I am still sensitive and would enjoy talking to strangers for support and to support them as well.


  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    Hi there,

    I've had this app installed for a while, but I'm only just starting to use it. I'm also looking to extend my support. Let's link up!

    About me, I'm 44, live in Wake Forest, NC, mom to 2 kids that I homeschool. I'm lazy as heck and just love food! LOL. I do try to be mostly upbeat though, and eat mostly clean foods, not much processed junk in my house. My probably isn't *what* I eat, it's how much of it.

    Hope you find the support you need! :)
  • psd85118
    psd85118 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the post. Congrats on losing 53 pounds !!!! Feel free to friend request me and we can support each other!
  • peter_rotten
    peter_rotten Posts: 28 Member
    Tips to help motivate you: Lurk here. Read the forums. Read the forums on /loseit and /motivation on /loseit has so many before and after success stories, it can be a real inspiration.
  • NettaFreebird
    You are doing wonderful! You should be proud of yourself and don't be afraid of failure. That alone can cause you to fail. Be proud of yourself for doing the right thing for your body and know that it is normal to backtrack a little sometimes. The important thing is to recognize what may have made you weak and stay away from the temptations if you can. In my opinion, we all need a little treat from time to time - note the word "little." I'm sorry for your troubles. I wish nothing but good things for you. One more thing...DO NOT weigh every day. Pick one day a week (the same day) when you know you are pretty good. Usually, I can be very good during the week and I will weigh myself on Friday mornings. It makes Friday just that much better! Good luck! Let us know how you are doing!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    You can do this.
    Good luck to you.
  • tinatwin1971
    tinatwin1971 Posts: 16 Member
    I'll send you a friend request though, I think this app is really going to help you.

    Though to some I probably don't seem to be aiming to lose a lot, I'm also really sensitive about my weight and can get quite depressed about it if I think about it too much, hence I don't actually own any scales, so not sure how I'm going to sort out what I'm losing.

    I also decided to make a start after my health check at the doctors and my sister introduced me to this app, I think it's brilliant and the people on here are so supporting. My food diary is open to friends though you'll find it a bit repetitive, work takes up a lot of my time, and we get our shopping delivered so it tends to be the same old, same old.