Seeking Like Minded Individuals

Hello all. My name is Sarah. I am a 33 year old mother of two beautiful girls (3, 9), I work full time and I have recently come to a grand niche in my life: I enjoy helping others reach their fitness and health goals. I am looking for others who have like minded goals and want results. You have to work hard and be dedicated to get the results you want. So, I am not only looking for others that will hold me accountable but also those I can support, motivate and I have a TON of information to share to help you reach your goals.

I am currently working with 21 Day Fix and PiYo and LOVE them. I have seen results in such a short time. I love these programs. BUT I also have two girls so I mix things up with walks, hockey and other things. I have a full time job which keeps me pretty busy but I have to make time for me.

What is your why? I discovered my why: I want to be here for my girls and be healthy. I dont want my knees to hurt when I'm running around or playing with them. My secondary why: To help my husband beat the effects of MS. He was diagnosed 11 years ago and he is 36 today. It is my drive to keep my family healthy, to teach my girls to live healthy happy lives, and to be happy doing what I love. :)

If you look at my profile, yes I am a beachbody coach but honestly, I dont care what you do as long as you are moving and doing. Be happy. Do the work. Do your best and forget the rest!


  • maryaskins
    maryaskins Posts: 11
    This is a really great post. I love the motivation for yourself and others to be active and healthy. I have recently added two people to help motivate them to lose weight. One of the girls I added is at the weight I was once was a couple years ago. I've lost 60 pounds since then (with several breaks in between though). I want to help get her on the right track and be the weight she wants to be. Keep up the great work for yourself and others! I know you are a great inspiration for men and women out there who want to reach their goals.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Thank you! I just realized it is time to put myself out there. I struggled for too long ALONE. Once I found a great group of people, things started happening and just keep getting better. That is really great that you are helping others as well. Kuddos to you! :) I do believe it makes the journey that much better when you have others to support and inspire you. Keep it up! Sounds like you are also on the happy track in life.