am i losing too quickly?

Hi everyone, I am trying to make sure I'm being healthy in my weight loss journey. I am 26, 5'5" and started out at 205 lbs. my goal is to lose 60lbs in no specific time frame. I used to work in the pool industry moving 20-100 lb buckets all day until becoming a stay at home mom 5 months ago. I currently have my activity level set at sedentary since I feel all I do is sit all day ( feeding or rocking my 4 month old or sitting and playing with my 3 year old) and my goal is to lose 1.5lb a week. That has me at 1350 calories a day and i am eating back my calories burned. Today is day 35 and I've lost 14 lbs. I know in the beginning it's normal to lose weight faster than expected, but is this too much? Should i raise my activity level? As much as i love these results I can't help but worry. I want to do this the right way.


  • IrishGirlVA
    I think you should take a third of what you lost so far and attribute that to water weight. So let's say you lost, without counting water, 10 pounds. 10 pounds over 4.5 weeks is about 2.2 pounds a week. Based on your starting weight and how much you want/need to lose, I think that sounds just about right.

    Also, are you breast feeding? If so, you burn a LOT of calories just doing that and it can create quite the calorie deficit. More so than with exercise for some people.

    Keep up the good work and congrats on your new arrival. :)
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Your BMR is almost 1700 calories so you're getting at least a 250 calorie deficit from doing nothing. You might plateau really quickly from the amount of calories you are eating, and going below that for you probably wouldn't be healthy. But as long as you are feeling healthy right now you could probably continue what you are doing, although it might be easier later if you started at closer to 1600 calories then dropped to what you are eating now.
  • lelyke
    lelyke Posts: 47
    That's healthy on the first month. I lost 15 in my first month too but from now on it'll be like 8-9 pounds / month.