Sweatin in Texas

Hello!! I'm new to mfp. Well I've had a profile but haven't been using it.

I'm sweating in Texas and I want to make it worth it. I'm heading out to walk after work. I figure if I'm sweating anyways I might as well work out.

I'm goin it alone cause everyone has bailed on me. They bailed on the walk and mfp and losing weight. I could use a few friends here to keep me going. Anyone need a new friend?

My ultimate goal is to be healthy. I want to lose some weight, gain some muscle. I want to eat right and exercise. Most of all I don't want to give up.

Have a great day!


  • s1rGr1nG0
    s1rGr1nG0 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't sweat the solo part, (ok, ok, BAD pun!). At least you are getting out there and doing something.
    We also live in Texas. Last night me, my wife, and both kids (15 and 6 years old), walked 2.7 miles. We walked a few weeks ago also but this was the first time walking that far. All 3 of them were pretty stiff at the end and had sore feet. I told them to drink more water to stay hydrated.

    My wife has already texted me asking if we were walking again tonight. She's ready to go again! :)
  • I'm in Texas too!!! Since it is so hot here right now......you might look and see if there's a Jazzercise class close to you. I go 3 times a week and loving it!! I'm getting more energy, sweating, and feeling better already!
  • I'm in Texas too and just joined MFP. I have ended up walking in the evenings because it is so hot. Everyone bailed on me to so I could always use a friend to stay motivated with. The last time I was able to lose significant weight it was because I was always accountable to someone. That is why I have joined MFP.

    Hope you have a great workout today!!!
  • Hey! I am new to this whole thing too and trying to get healthy. I am doing this pretty much alone and will be trying to eat healthier and work out after work. If you need encouragement or anything, I am looking for the same. I am in Michigan so working out together won't happen but good luck and keep doing it! It will be worth it in the end when you are healthy and feel good about it.
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    I've never been able to get consistent accountability from the forums. If you're active on Facebook, I'm in a group there that's helped me since there's so many people in the group. We're now around 500 people so someone's always posting a workout success or a nutrition question or suggestion. We have small groups for accountability (based on what workout program you are doing) and live team broadcasts via YouTube, where some leaders discuss a topic of the day, give shout-outs to people doing great, and take questions from the challengers live.
  • I did it!!!1.20miles in the 96 degree heat. I was sweating like crazy and I feel amazing!!
  • Texas (and sweaty!) here too. Any DFW people looking for walking buddies?
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Arklatex region of Texas here.. You could tell the weather people were bored when the storms hit this afternoon :laugh:
  • mrrongilbert
    mrrongilbert Posts: 14 Member
    Be careful with the heat.... it can hurt you. Sweat is good but please make sure that you are hydrated before you start.

    Best of luck.... and I really enjoy my walk/runs all by myself (or my dog) it is about the only time that I really get to myself. Jam some earbuds in and enjoy the music while taking in the stars or sunrise. I do walk in the evenings but usually close to dark, before he hungry skeeters come out and after the day has cooled down a bit.