Tricks to this game

mreneecohen Posts: 64 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Over a month and a half of MFP, I've learned a few tricks to this game. ..

- Cleaning out my pantry getting rid of the "bad snacks"
- Absolutely not buying any junk food for my house
- Staying away from the snack table at work and at parties (or making a small plate of bite size portions of what looks tasty)
- When I have a craving at night, I make a cup of Chamomile or Sleepy Time tea (with 1 splenda)
- Jell-O has sugar-free pudding and Jell-O that is a great snack to satisfy that sweet craving

I've been very good at not eating past 7pm either!!

I'd like to know what helps YOU!


  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Good tips!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    - Focusing on my goal (and how good I'll feel when I've accomplished them).
    - Building a reward into my day. I don't NEED that tiny Lindt chocolate at the end of the work day and I could probably use the 30 calories better, but knowing I get that little chocolate keeps me away from the treats that people bring in (people are STILL bringing in X-Mas chocolates!)
    Eating very slowly and enjoying every morsel. And if I don't, I don't eat it. No more guilt "don't want to waste food" eating. If I don't LOVE it, I don't eat it -- especially my "rewards".
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    I don't eat past 7 either! I also have be drinking "get lost" from The Republic of tea. It's supposed to help curb cravings so I drink a cup after each meal. Though I think any hot tea would help. I did a lot of the same things as you, I got rid of the junk food, and I pack a "nugo" bar or banana with me if I think I'm going to get hungry when I'm out and about to avoid buying junk in a fit of hunger. I also bought weight watchers meals for the nights I don't feel like cooking so I won't be tempted to order pizza or run through a drive thru!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    fabulous tips. These are basic things that we knew all along, just never applied them. I think the most important one is to just not buy the food and put it in your pantry!

    Keep up the great work!
  • Thanks, Roomie! I need to get some of that sugar-free pudding. I've been doing tea when I'm feeling hungry too. I need to focus on not eating after 7pm because I think that makes a BIG difference. Keep it up!
  • ldb316
    ldb316 Posts: 13
    i just bought sugar free pudding today! I bought the Hunt's brand because it doesn't have to be refrigerated and i can keep them at my desk.

    i drink 1 cup of chocolate almond milk in the evening if i'm still a little hungry after dinner.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have been doubling up on the dinner veggies. 2 different kinds each dinner. Maybe one cooked, or one raw. Or one green, one in another color. One crunchy, one soft. It gives me a nice contrast.

    I have also been using a food scale. This really helps me with portions of the non veggies.

    Drink a cup of tea before having my afternoon snack. I may not need it at all.

    Keep a few chopped raw veggies on hand for a quick pre-dinner snack. Finishing food before 7 is an impossibility for me. Having a few carrot sticks, pepper strips, jicama or fennel to snack on as I prepare dinner tides me over until it is ready. And I get an extra dose of veggies. Worst case I eat 100 calories before dinner. If i had too many, i shrink one of my dinner veggie servings. Of course, it really is a win win no matter what. I either eat less dinner or have more veggies.

    A few days per week I swap my grains for beans at dinner.

    I like to plan my meals for the week on Sunday, when I go grocery shopping. I also plan a backup meal if I am feeling too lazy to cook. (I have a few soups in the freezer, or I make a veggie quesadilla/taco

    My number 1 post dinner snack is greek yogurt with a bit of jam or fruit. Another great dessert is a some mango with a tablespoon of shredded coconut. It tastes like a vacation. I keep frozen mango in the freezer.
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