Create a little workout for me today :)

stephgabriele Posts: 27
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm going to work out in an hour or so. For the past two weeks I have been going on the treadclimber for a half an hour burning 300 calories 5 times a week. This is huge for no poking fun, haha.

Well tonight I want to expand it a bit. I have a jump rope with weights. I have a treadclimber. I have my body and a TV to do some exercises online.

Help me create a workout for today :) I don't have much to work with, I'm sorry!


  • ketagirl
    ketagirl Posts: 42 Member
    thats great
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    Hi. Can u use the treadclimber for longer. Go for walks/jogs embrace outside fresh air stuff. Work hard stay focused and good luck.
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    For time (meaning as quick as possible):

    3 rounds of...

    30 Jumping-Jacks
    30 Air Squats
    30 Tuck-Jumps
    30 Push-Ups
    30 Mountain-Climbers
    30 Sit-Ups

    NB: Make sure you complete a 5 - 10 minute warm-up including some light cardiovascular exercise and dynamic stretching.
  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    I have a personal trainer at my gym. She says everyone needs to work on their "core" exercises at least 5 days a week.

    A) abdominal crunch lay on back and cross arms across chest with legs bent at knees, lift upper body and try to touch knees
    repeat for two sets of twenty each

    B) Bridges lay on back with back flat against floor. knees bent. lift body to make a "bridge" repeat for two sets of twenty

    C) Torso rotation. sit on floor with knees bent and body leaning slightly back. Arms extended straight out front. Rotate arrms and body side to to side. repeat for twenty for two sets.

    D) Leg kickbacks. On hands and knees lift leg with toe pointed towards floor and heel flat. repeat for two sets of twenty.

    She has me do cardio 4 times a week for 50 minutes with a heart rate between 96 and 105. One day a week I do cardio with heart rate of 115 to 137. ( I am 59 years old and 5' 4 ") My daughter is 35, same height and she does 111 to 135 for low days and 145 to 160 for "high" cardio days.

    Hope this helps.:smile:
  • For time (meaning as quick as possible):

    3 rounds of...

    30 Jumping-Jacks
    30 Air Squats
    30 Tuck-Jumps
    30 Push-Ups
    30 Mountain-Climbers
    30 Sit-Ups

    NB: Make sure you complete a 5 - 10 minute warm-up including some light cardiovascular exercise and dynamic stretching.

    This is like looking at a Starbucks menu for the first time, ha! I'll have to google because these sound intriguing :)
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Jumping-Jack: Or star jump, is a physical jumping exercise performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides.

    Air Squat: The air squat is performed by keeping both feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart or wider, with the knees and feet pointing in the same direction. Keeping the back straight and eyes forward, squat down, dropping the hips.

    Tuck-Jump: Stand with your feet directly underneath you. Jump up as high as you can, throwing your arms up. While in the air, quickly tuck your legs into your hips. Before landing quickly extend your legs down to absorb the landing. Keep your chest up and maintain good posture throughout.

    Bent-Knee Push-Up: This push up is performed on bent knees by keeping the knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line without bending the hips.

    Mountain-Climber: Begin in a push-up position (arms lined up with the chest, legs extended out). Make sure to keep the head in line with the body and the stomach muscles contracted throughout the range of motion. Start the movement by bringing the right knee to the chest and back to starting position. Quickly alternate to the left leg and continue this movement.

    Sit-Up: To start, your legs must be bent at 90 degrees and your feet are either flat or with heels on the ground. Your feet can be either held or anchored. Keep your arms straight with the palms of your hands on top of your legs. Your chin should be as close to your chest bone as comfortable. To sit-up, keep your hands in contact with your legs until your wrists come to the top of your knee caps. When your wrists reach this position, lower to the start position.
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