Meatless Foods

Does anyone know if the meatless bacon by Morning Star has less calories and fat than turkey bacon? I am considering going vegetarian for about two weeks and if it goes well maybe longer!!


  • VegasaurusRex
    VegasaurusRex Posts: 4 Member
    According to this page (, no. But don't let that discourage you! Meat substitutes can be really tasty (especially anything from Gardein, yum!), and they're fine for when you want something quick or are craving something meat-like. However, most are highly processed, calorie-dense and high in sodium. Not to mention, they can get pretty pricey if you rely on them heavily.

    Fortunately, a vegetarian diet does not require meat substitutes. If you are interested in health benefits, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and grains are where it's at! These foods are nutrient-dense, high-quality and affordable. And you can transform these staples into some amazing dishes!


    I've got a lot of years of vegetarianism under my belt, and it's improved my life in a lot of ways. I highly recommend it! I've also gotten pretty good at time and labor saving shortcuts--I love to cook, but I like to have dinner on the table quickly, too. I'd be happy to help however I can, so let me know if you have any questions :-)
  • byebyechub
    byebyechub Posts: 15
    Morningstar (2 strips)

    Calories: 60
    Fat: 4.5g

    Turkey Bacon - General (2 strips)

    Calories: 84
    Fat: 6.14g

    So it does have a little less, but not significantly. I have been vegetarian for over 15 years and to be honest, veggie bacon is not as similar to other proteins such as chicken. I think it tastes very similar, but the texture is quite different.

    They do make tons of meat substitute products now, but you really don't need them. I find them more of a novelty if you are simply craving the taste.

    Give vegetarianism a shot! Hope you enjoy it for all the wonderful benefits :)