needin help with meal plan

What time should I eat breakfast? Is 9am ok? Snack at 12 pm lunch...I need help. What time to stop my meals


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    the time you eat your meals doesn't matter. your metabolism ain't go no watch
  • dandee1307
    dandee1307 Posts: 15
    If you are asking for a general outline on when to eat you can stick to

    "Eat every 4-6 hours, so your blood sugar stays on level"

    But it is generally like DavPul said: "Your metabolism has no watch". Eating on a schedule alone does not help you loose / maintain weight. However, it can stop you from overeating, help you with staying within your Kcal intake and create the illusion of "there is always enough food, I don´t have to binge-eat then". But other than that, ...