Dehydrator Sucess

Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
I had a dehydrator as a present and discovered a world of new recipes. Today's snack is courgette (Zucchini) chips. Sooooo tasty, crunchy and they even have a "fried" quality abiut them. Only downside is the salt content, but that's probably adaptable.

Slice a kilo of courgettes very finely (I use a mandolin) and season with 1/2 tablespoon of sea salt and a further tablespoon of soy sauce. Mix with your hands until well coated and load the slices into the dryer. Dry over a couple of days on low until crispy.
Eat!!! 22 calories a serve, 10 servings per recipe.

I'm going to experiment with lemon juice instead of soy to reduce the sodium content, but I shall have to wait for my plants to gather speed and let me have some more courgettes to play with :bigsmile:


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I had a dehydrator as a present and discovered a world of new recipes. Today's snack is courgette (Zucchini) chips. Sooooo tasty, crunchy and they even have a "fried" quality abiut them. Only downside is the salt content, but that's probably adaptable.

    Slice a kilo of courgettes very finely (I use a mandolin) and season with 1/2 tablespoon of sea salt and a further tablespoon of soy sauce. Mix with your hands until well coated and load the slices into the dryer. Dry over a couple of days on low until crispy.
    Eat!!! 22 calories a serve, 10 servings per recipe.

    I'm going to experiment with lemon juice instead of soy to reduce the sodium content, but I shall have to wait for my plants to gather speed and let me have some more courgettes to play with :bigsmile:

    That is wonderful!

    I have GOT to get me one of these!

    I found one at Goodwill a long time ago for $10 and regret not getting it soooo much!
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member

    I want one so bad >__<

    I saw an awesome recipe for "pizza" chips.
    Zucchini slice, half a cherry tomato, topped with a basil leaf....... <3<3
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    We have our butcher slice paper thin round steak. We use 1 T brown sugar, 4 T soy sauce, hot pepper flakes. The best beef jersey ever. Takes about 10 hours. Put in plastic bags... Enjoy....... The zucchini sounds amazing, thanks
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Yum! Will have to try this! We use ours mainly for apple chips and other fruit, but I've been meaning to try veggies. Thanks for the idea!
  • Mslynn83
    Mslynn83 Posts: 1 Member
    Yea, I had a ton of squash and zucchini from my aunt and grandmothers garden. I was trying all types of recipes including an assortment of healthy zucchini muffins and researching what else I could do with the excess zucchini and squash. I didn't want to freeze them because I like the fresh taste of vegetables and I was afraid that even after blanching and storing the zucchini in an air tight freezer bag that they may still be mushy when I'm ready for them. So I grilled some and dried most. I added onion and garlic powder before I dried them. They tasted great especially when dried until completely crunchy.

    I've been on a dehydrating frenzy. I've even dried baby food which the I have tons of that the baby who's now one is not interested in now that she can eat table food. The baby food (fruit variety) make the best fruit roll ups. Both the baby and I enjoy.
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    Do you have any recipes to share?
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    New recipe - Fruit leathers.

    1kg soft fruit
    4 tbls sugar
    1 tbls Xylitol
    1 cup water.

    Cook the fruit over a small flame in the water until very mushy. Help it along with a potato masher.
    Cool a little then push through a seive.
    Put the purée back in the washed pan and cook very gently until thick.
    Stir in the sugars to taste. You may not need it all, but this should taste sweet. Add more Xylitol if neccs.
    Make sure its all smooth before the next step. Cool.

    Line a shelf of the dehydrator with parchment or thick cooking cling film.
    Pour on the fruit mix. It should be thick enough to stay on the flat surface!
    Spread it out to about 1/4" thick and dry until leathery.

    Serves 10.
    Approx calories 65 per piece.
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    I have quite a large machine with trays about 18" square.
    If your machine is smaller, you may need to share it out over several shelves :smile: